tie up
綁好, 縛牢, 包紮, 停泊, 阻礙, 合夥, 密切聯繫, 占用【法】 罷工, 停滯
名詞 tie up:
- a social or business relationship同義詞:affiliation, association, tie, tie-up
- an interruption of normal activity同義詞:stand, standstill, tie-up
動詞 tie up:
- secure with or as if with ropes同義詞:tie down, bind, truss
- invest so as to make unavailable for other purposes
- restrain from moving or operating normally
- secure in or as if in a berth or dock同義詞:moor, berth
- finish the last row同義詞:bind off
- It's unwise to tie up all your capital in one enterprise.把你的全部資金都投到一個企業中是不明智的。
- The police are trying to tie up his escape from prison with the murder.警方想把他的越獄潛逃和謀殺案聯繫起來。
- The police are trying to tie up the robbery with the recent escape from prison.警察正試圖把搶劫案與最近一起越獄相聯繫。
- That'll not only tie up my money but also increase my cost.那將不僅會凍結我的資金而且會增加我的費用。