國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> T開頭詞條>>talk up的意思talk up 讀音 漢語翻譯大聲講, 大膽講, 讚揚例句:If you thought that wasn't fair, why didn't you talk up?如果你覺得這不公平,為什么不直說呢?The teacher asked the student to talk up.老師叫學生大聲說清楚點。Let's talk up the game and get a big crowd.咱們把這場比賽大肆宣揚一下,以便吸引更多的觀眾。猜你喜歡:thienyl methyl ketone的漢語翻譯 turn sb on的漢語翻譯 tripos的漢語翻譯 toxicosis metallicus的漢語翻譯 two-fisted的漢語翻譯 trimethylamine hydrochloride的漢語翻譯 trickiness的漢語翻譯 tuck up的漢語翻譯 T. A. M.的漢語翻譯 thioproperazine的漢語翻譯 theory of automata的漢語翻譯 thenad的漢語翻譯 transaction journal的漢語翻譯 tailrace的漢語翻譯 tooth-key的漢語翻譯