音標['swiŋiŋ] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 極大的, 大幅度的, 大量的, 極好的, 大力的, 極有力的, 活躍的, 時髦的
ad. 極大地, 非常地
【電】 擺動
名詞 swinging:
- changing location by moving back and forth同義詞:swing, vacillation
動詞 swinge:
- burn superficially or lightly同義詞:singe, swinge
形容詞 swinging:
- characterized by a buoyant rhythm同義詞:lilting, swingy, tripping
- Voting showed a 10% swing to the Opposition.
- Cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.投球時在擺動之前舉起球棒
- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane.不要走近轉動的超重機吊桿。
- The soldiers came swinging along.那些士兵大搖大擺地走過來。
- The children were swinging on a rope.孩子們抓著繩子蕩來蕩去。
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