國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> S開頭詞條>>subsidy的意思subsidy音標['s?bsidi] 讀音 漢語翻譯n. 補助金, 津貼【經】 補助金, 津貼, 補貼詞型變化:名詞複數:subsidies 英文解釋:名詞 subsidy:a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public例句:A subsidy from a government to an industry.補助費政府給予工礦企業的補助It's the old and the poor who suffer worst when subsidies are cut.補助津貼一削減,最吃苦頭的就是那些老人和貧民。The islanders don't want to leave, and probably wouldn't if there were a subsidy to reduce freight charges. But they don't see that happening.島上居民不願離開; 要是有補助金使運輸費用降低的話,他們很可能不會離開。但是,他們對補助金並不存奢望。猜你喜歡:straits的漢語翻譯 strabometry的漢語翻譯 semantics of data的漢語翻譯 sourdine的漢語翻譯 Sayre's jacket的漢語翻譯 splenaemia的漢語翻譯 salient pole的漢語翻譯 substitute material的漢語翻譯 stub end的漢語翻譯 specific death rate的漢語翻譯 specific coding的漢語翻譯 superheated water的漢語翻譯 self-sufficing的漢語翻譯 semanteme的漢語翻譯 stock-index的漢語翻譯