字典網>> 英漢字典>> S開頭詞條>>sponge的意思


音標[sp?nd?] 讀音


n. 海綿, 海綿狀的東西
vt. 用海綿擦拭, 吸收掉, 抹掉
vi. 採集海綿, 海綿般吸收
【化】 海綿; 海綿動物; 海綿狀物
【醫】 海綿
chuck in the sponge
throw in the sponge
toss in the sponge
pass the sponge over
throw up the sponge
toss up the sponge
chuck up the sponge


動詞過去式:sponged 過去分詞:sponged 現在分詞:sponging 第三人稱單數:sponges 


名詞 sponge:

  1. a porous mass of interlacing fibers the forms the internal skeleton of various marine animals and usable to absorb water or any porous rubber or cellulose product similarly used
  2. someone able to acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly and easily
    同義詞:quick study
  3. a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage
    同義詞:leech, parasite, sponger
  4. primitive multicellular marine animal whose porous body is supported by a fibrous skeletal framework; usually occurs in sessile colonies
    同義詞:poriferan, parazoan

動詞 sponge:

  1. wipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moisten
  2. ask for and get free; be a parasite
    同義詞:mooch, bum, cadge, grub
  3. erase with a sponge; as of words on a blackboard
  4. soak up with a sponge
  5. gather sponges, in the ocean


  1. It's a sponge.
  2. I am cooking a sponge cake with jam filling.
