side by side
並排, 並肩英文解釋:
形容詞 side by side:
- nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space同義詞:adjacent, next
- closely related or associated
- A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.並排橫排緊密地一個挨一個地排列著的士兵、交通工具或裝備
- The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk side by side.總經理和董事長並列坐在桌子後面。
- Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.雖然富人和窮人住在一起,但是條件相差極為懸殊。
- The two boys play side by side all afternoon.這兩個男孩整個下午都在一起玩。