ad. 不久, 簡短, 唐突地
shortly after noon
shortly before noon
immediately, instantly, presently, directly, shortly, soon, at once, right away這些副詞或副詞詞組均有“立刻、馬上”之意。
immediately: 指做完一件事後,立即就做另一件事,中間一般沒有明顯的時間間隔。
instantly: 指恰恰就在此刻,一秒鐘也沒耽誤。
presently: 指不久、即將。
directly: 和immediately同義,指毫無遲疑。
shortly: 和soon同義,指動作發生或完成的速度之快。
soon: 常用詞,指行動快,完成速度快。
at once: 口語中常用,語氣強烈,指時間緊迫,一刻也不能耽誤。
right away: 主要用於美國英文,語氣稍弱於at once,強調動作迅速。英文解釋:
副詞 shortly:
- for a short time同義詞:not long
- in the near future同義詞:soon, presently, before long
- in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner同義詞:curtly, short
- in a concise manner; in a few words同義詞:concisely, briefly, in brief, in short
- at a short distance同義詞:not far
- I shall be in touch with you again shortly.我很快再和你聯繫。
- John passed through a difficult period shortly after his mother's death.
- The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca.這個 * 代表團很快就要去麥加朝聖了。
- We shall be landing (at Gatwick airport) shortly please fasten your seat-belts.
- I hope to announce the winner shortly.
- She died in an accident shortly afterwards.不久以後,她就在一次事故中喪生。
- The movie was over shortly before six.電影在六點鐘不到就結束了。
immediately: 指做完一件事後,立即就做另一件事,中間一般沒有明顯的時間間隔。
instantly: 指恰恰就在此刻,一秒鐘也沒耽誤。
presently: 指不久、即將。
directly: 和immediately同義,指毫無遲疑。
shortly: 和soon同義,指動作發生或完成的速度之快。
soon: 常用詞,指行動快,完成速度快。
at once: 口語中常用,語氣強烈,指時間緊迫,一刻也不能耽誤。
right away: 主要用於美國英文,語氣稍弱於at once,強調動作迅速。
副詞 shortly:
- for a short time同義詞:not long
- in the near future同義詞:soon, presently, before long
- in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner同義詞:curtly, short
- in a concise manner; in a few words同義詞:concisely, briefly, in brief, in short
- at a short distance同義詞:not far
- I shall be in touch with you again shortly.我很快再和你聯繫。
- John passed through a difficult period shortly after his mother's death.
- The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca.這個 * 代表團很快就要去麥加朝聖了。
- We shall be landing (at Gatwick airport) shortly please fasten your seat-belts.
- I hope to announce the winner shortly.
- She died in an accident shortly afterwards.不久以後,她就在一次事故中喪生。
- The movie was over shortly before six.電影在六點鐘不到就結束了。

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