send in
遞送, 命(或請)...進來英文字典
- I will like to know what we shall have to do if we agree to send in our bid.我想知道,如果我們同意投標應該做哪些事情。
- After the scandal, he have to send in his papers.出了醜聞後,他不得不辭職。
- I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelligence, but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front.我已決定派一名特工人員去收集情報,但是如果他被抓住的話,那就會給外交戰線帶來麻煩。
- The general decided to play his ace and send in the tanks.將軍決定使出絕招,派坦克參加戰鬥。
動詞 send in:
- mail in; cause to be delivered
- give one's name or calling card to a servant when making a formal visit