國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> A開頭詞條>>Saprolegnia ferax的意思Saprolegnia ferax 讀音 漢語翻譯【醫】 水霉英文解釋:名詞 saprolegnia ferax:a fungus that attacks living fish and tadpoles and spawn causing white fungus disease: a coating of white hyphae on especially peripheral parts (as fins)同義詞:white fungus猜你喜歡:subject matter的漢語翻譯 subpackage的漢語翻譯 self-motion的漢語翻譯 saturnine nephritis的漢語翻譯 southeast的漢語翻譯 sulfamethazine的漢語翻譯 stack the cards的漢語翻譯 skin dose unit的漢語翻譯 second party的漢語翻譯 spherical wave的漢語翻譯 staphyline的漢語翻譯 side charge的漢語翻譯 synthetic tanning agent NF的漢語翻譯 skiddy的漢語翻譯 straddle cutter的漢語翻譯