a. 憂愁的, 悲哀的
in sad earnest
- The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad.婦女被排斥於寺院之外使得她們很難過。
- He was much affected by the sad news.這個悲慘的訊息使他非常難過。
- His sad story touched our hearts.他的悲慘的故事深深打動了我們的心。
- The spinster is very sad.那個老處女很悲傷。
- The sad news of her father's death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.她父親的死訊是她愉快的一年中唯一傷心的事。
- Sad to say, she hasn't given us permission to do it.不幸的是,她沒準許我們做這件事。
- It made me sad to hear you have to go away.聽到你非走不可,我覺得很傷心。
形容詞 sad:
- experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness- Christina Rossetti
- of things that make you feel sad- Christina Rossetti
- bad; unfortunate同義詞:deplorable, distressing, lamentable, pitiful, sorry
sad, unhappy, gloomy, blue, sorrowful, melancholy
這些形容詞均含“憂傷的,悲哀的,傷感的”之意。sad: 最常用詞,泛指一切形式的悲傷,著重暫時的不幸或感覺的憂傷。
unhappy: 多指日常生活中遇到不如意的事而感到不愉快、不幸,側重指心理狀態。
gloomy: 指愁眉苦臉,令他人也感到掃興。
blue: 非正式用詞,語氣較隨便,指較強烈的憂鬱或沮喪。
sorrowful: 多指因喪失親人等原因所引起的悲哀,也指由於錯誤而產生的悔恨交加的心情。
melancholy: 指經常性的憂鬱或悲哀,多用於文學描寫中。