a. 成熟的, 熟練的, 成年的
【醫】 成熟的
of ripe age
形容詞比較級:riper 最高級:ripest 副詞:ripely 名詞:ripe-ness詞意辨析:
mature, ripe這兩個形容詞都含“成熟的”之意。
mature: 指生物完成了長生、發育的全過程或周期,表明已經成熟;也可指經周密、慎重考慮而制定的計畫或作出的決定。
ripe: 主要指水果、穀物和蔬菜等的成熟,也可引申作“時機成熟”解。英文解釋:
形容詞 ripe:
- fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used同義詞:mature
- fully prepared or eager
- most suitable or right for a particular purpose同義詞:good, right
- at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge
- far along in time同義詞:advanced
- The branches were weighed down with ripe apples.蘋果成熟了把樹枝都壓彎了。
- Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow.大多數西紅柿成熟時是紅色的,但有些品種是黃色的。
- I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches.
- The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的蘋果易於採摘
- These apples are not ripe; they are sour.這些蘋果不熟,是酸的。
- The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.時機已經成熟,可以向政府權力提出挑戰了。
adj.(形容詞)rip.er,rip.est Fully developed; mature:成熟的:充分成長的;成熟的:例句:ripe peaches.成熟的桃子
Resembling matured fruit, as in fullness.結實的:象成熟的果實一樣,如豐滿的Sufficiently advanced in preparation or aging to be used or eaten:適於食用的,熟醇的:在準備或陳釀中足夠完善來使用或食用的:例句:ripe cheese.熟醇的乳酪
Thoroughly matured, as by study or experience; seasoned:熟練的,老練的:完全成熟的,如通過研究或經歷;成熟老練的:例句:ripe judgment.成熟老練的判斷
Advanced in years:年富的,年高的:例句:the ripe age of 90.九十歲高齡
Fully prepared to do or undergo something; ready:準備完成的:作好充分準備做或從事某事的;準備好的:例句:.By 9'5 the republic was ripe for a coup.(Alex Shoumatoff).在9'5年,共和國發動了一次政變.(亞歷克斯·肖馬托夫)
Sufficiently advanced; opportune:成熟的,發展充分的;適合的:例句:The time is ripe for great societal changes.社會大變革的時機已經成熟了
Exhibiting overtones of or references to sex; scatological:粗俗的,下流的:表現性的暗示或暗指性的; * 的:例句:.The language on the stage was riper than anything I have heard in a lifetime of newspaper work.(John Hughes).舞台上使用的語言比我這一輩子從報紙中聽到的任何東西都要下流粗俗.(約翰·休斯)
Emitting a foul odor, especially body odor.刺鼻的,難聞的:發出刺鼻難聞的氣味的,尤指體臭
來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old English rope 源自 古英文 rope
mature: 指生物完成了長生、發育的全過程或周期,表明已經成熟;也可指經周密、慎重考慮而制定的計畫或作出的決定。
ripe: 主要指水果、穀物和蔬菜等的成熟,也可引申作“時機成熟”解。
形容詞 ripe:
- fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used同義詞:mature
- fully prepared or eager
- most suitable or right for a particular purpose同義詞:good, right
- at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge
- far along in time同義詞:advanced
- The branches were weighed down with ripe apples.蘋果成熟了把樹枝都壓彎了。
- Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow.大多數西紅柿成熟時是紅色的,但有些品種是黃色的。
- I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches.
- The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的蘋果易於採摘
- These apples are not ripe; they are sour.這些蘋果不熟,是酸的。
- The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.時機已經成熟,可以向政府權力提出挑戰了。
adj.(形容詞)rip.er,rip.est Fully developed; mature:成熟的:充分成長的;成熟的:例句:ripe peaches.成熟的桃子
Resembling matured fruit, as in fullness.結實的:象成熟的果實一樣,如豐滿的Sufficiently advanced in preparation or aging to be used or eaten:適於食用的,熟醇的:在準備或陳釀中足夠完善來使用或食用的:例句:ripe cheese.熟醇的乳酪
Thoroughly matured, as by study or experience; seasoned:熟練的,老練的:完全成熟的,如通過研究或經歷;成熟老練的:例句:ripe judgment.成熟老練的判斷
Advanced in years:年富的,年高的:例句:the ripe age of 90.九十歲高齡
Fully prepared to do or undergo something; ready:準備完成的:作好充分準備做或從事某事的;準備好的:例句:.By 9'5 the republic was ripe for a coup.(Alex Shoumatoff).在9'5年,共和國發動了一次政變.(亞歷克斯·肖馬托夫)
Sufficiently advanced; opportune:成熟的,發展充分的;適合的:例句:The time is ripe for great societal changes.社會大變革的時機已經成熟了
Exhibiting overtones of or references to sex; scatological:粗俗的,下流的:表現性的暗示或暗指性的; * 的:例句:.The language on the stage was riper than anything I have heard in a lifetime of newspaper work.(John Hughes).舞台上使用的語言比我這一輩子從報紙中聽到的任何東西都要下流粗俗.(約翰·休斯)
Emitting a foul odor, especially body odor.刺鼻的,難聞的:發出刺鼻難聞的氣味的,尤指體臭
來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old English rope 源自 古英文 rope

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