n. 騎, 乘車, 乘, 騎術, 騎馬
名詞 riding:
- the sport of siting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements同義詞:horseback riding, equitation
- to be carried on horseback as a means of transportation同義詞:horseback riding
動詞 ride:
- sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions同義詞:ride, sit
- be carried or travel on or in a vehicle同義詞:ride
- continue undisturbed and without interference同義詞:ride
- move like a floating object同義詞:ride
- harass with persistent criticism or carping同義詞:tease, razz, rag, cod, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, ride
- be sustained or supported or borne同義詞:ride
- have certain properties when driven同義詞:drive, ride
- be contingent on同義詞:depend on, devolve on, depend upon, ride, turn on, hinge on, hinge upon
- lie moored or anchored同義詞:ride
- sit on and control a vehicle同義詞:ride
- climb up on the body同義詞:ride
- ride over, along, or through同義詞:ride
- keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot同義詞:ride
- copulate with同義詞:ride, mount
形容詞 riding:
- traveling by wheeled vehicle such as bicycle or automobile e.g.同義詞:awheel
- Is there a riding stables near here?附近有專供騎用馬的馬房嗎?
- The company is riding high this year.公司今年生意很好。
- You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.周末你可以去滑草,騎腳踏車,或購物。
- Her latest stunt is riding a motor cycle through a ring of flames.她的最新特技表演是騎機車鑽火圈。
- She hasn't been out riding since the accident.她自從出了事故以後,一直沒有騎馬外出過。
- In Australia, one thinks nothing of riding fifty miles to a match.在澳大利亞,坐50英里的汽車去看一場球賽不算一回事。
- Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common.每周六琴在村裡的公用草地上騎馬。
- Riding is her favorite occupation.騎馬是她最喜歡的消遣。
n.(名詞)The act of riding.騎,乘:騎的動作Horseback riding.騎馬
riding 2
n.(名詞)An administrative division or electoral division in Canada.區:加拿大的一種行政分區或選舉分區Any one of three former administrative divisions of Yorkshire, England.(英國約克郡的)行政區:英國約克郡以前的三個行政分區之一
來源:Middle English 中古英文 alteration of trithing trithing的變化 from Old English *thrithing 源自 古英文 *thrithing from Old Norse thridhjungr [third part] 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 thridhjungr [第三部分] from thridhi [third] * see trei- 源自 thridhi [第三] *參見 trei-

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