音標[r??k] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 等級, 排, 橫列, 隊伍, 階級
a. 茂密叢生的, 惡臭的, 十足的, 粗俗的
vt. 排列, 歸類於, 把...分等
vi. 列為, 列隊
n. 秩
【計】 秩
【經】 等級
rank next to
in the front rank
名詞:rankness 副詞:rankly 形容詞比較級:ranker 最高級:rankest 動詞過去式:ranked 過去分詞:ranked 現在分詞:ranking 第三人稱單數:ranks詞意辨析:
class, degree, grade, rank這些名詞均有“級,等級”之意。
class: 含義廣泛,指人或物按優劣劃分的等級,也指學校中的年級或班級。
degree: 指程度、範圍不同,社會地位的高低。也可指形容詞或副詞的級。
grade: 指按地位或優劣劃分的等級,既可指人又可指物。
rank: 指人在社會中的地位或等級,尤指軍隊中的軍銜。row, queue, line, rank, file這些名詞均含“列、隊、排”之意。
row: 指單獨的一列,也可指平行的數行中的一行,而不論是橫或縱。
queue: 指人們為做某事而有順序排成的隊,在等的過程中不斷向前移動。
line: 指人或物排成的行列。
rank: 為軍事用語,指肩並肩排列整齊的士兵橫排。
file: 為軍事用語,指縱隊。英文解釋:
名詞 rank:
- a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another
- relative status
- the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army)同義詞:rank and file
- position in a social hierarchy同義詞:social station, social status, social rank
- the body of members of an organization or group同義詞:membership
動詞 rank:
- take or have a position relative to others
- assign a rank or rating to同義詞:rate, range, order, grade, place
- take precedence or surpass others in rank同義詞:outrank
形容詞 rank:
- very fertile; producing profuse growth
- very offensive in smell or taste
- conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible同義詞:crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross
- complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers同義詞:absolute, downright, out-and-out, right-down, sheer
- growing profusely
- I rank her among the country's best writers.我認為她可屬全國最優秀作家之列。
- A general ranks a captain.將軍的級別比上尉高。
- This tennis player ranked third in the world.這位網球運動員排名世界第三。
- He is above me in rank.他的級別比我高。
A relative position in a society.社會地位,社會階層:在社會中所處的相對位置An official position or grade:職位,官級:官方地位或等級:例句:the rank of sergeant.中士職位
A relative position or degree of value in a graded group.順序,次序:在一個等級團體中所處的相對位置或相對價值層次High or eminent station or position:高位,顯貴:高級或突出的地位或職位:例句:persons of rank.達官顯貴
A row, line, series, or range.行列:行、列、系列或行列
A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.並排:橫排緊密地一個挨一個地排列著的士兵、交通工具或裝備ranks The armed forces. ranks 軍隊:武裝部隊ranks Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. ranks 軍隊士兵:人員,尤指參加軍事部隊的成員ranks A body of people classed together; numbers: ranks 民眾:歸類在一起的人們;成員:例句:joined the ranks of the unemployed.加入到失業大軍中
Games Any of the horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard.【遊戲】 橫排,橫格:西洋棋棋盤中組成格的任意橫線v.(動詞)ranked,rank.ing,ranks v.tr.(及物動詞)To place in a row or rows.排列:排入一排或數排中To give a particular order or position to; classify.分等,分級:給予…特定的次序或位置;歸類To outrank or take precedence over.高於,在…之上:級別高過…或在…之前v.intr.(不及物動詞)To hold a particular rank:位於:占據一個特定的等級:例句:ranked first in the class.在班上名列前茅
To form or stand in a row or rows.使成橫排:形成或站入一排或數排中Slang 【俚語】 To complain.抱怨To engage in carping criticism. Often used withon : 吹毛求疵,揭瘡疤:持續不斷地進行尖刻的批評。通常與on 連用: 例句:Stop ranking on me all the time.不要總對我吹毛求疵
<習慣用語>pull rank
To use one`s superior rank to gain an advantage.弄權:利用某人的高級職位謀求利益習慣用語>來源:Middle English [line, row] 中古英文 [行,列] from Old French ranc, renc 源自 古法文 ranc, renc [of Germanic origin] * see sker- 2[源於德文] *參見 sker- 2
rank 2
adj.(形容詞)rank.er,rank.est Growing profusely or with excessive vigor:茂密叢生的:生長得茂密或速度極快的:例句:rank vegetation in the jungle.叢林中茂密叢生的植物
Yielding a profuse, often excessive crop; highly fertile:極度肥沃的:生長出茂密乃至超常植物的;極其肥沃的:例句:rank earth.肥沃的土壤
Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.刺鼻的;難聞的:氣味或味道強烈或使人不舒服的Conspicuously offensive:惱人的:極其使人不快的:例句:rank treachery.See Synonyms at flagrant 臭名昭著的叛變參見 flagrant
Absolute; complete:絕對的,完全的:例句:a rank amateur; a rank stranger.一個地道的業餘者;十足的陌生人
來源:Middle English ranc 中古英文 ranc from Old English [strong, overbearing] * see reg- 源自 古英文 [強烈的,超常的] *參見 reg-
class: 含義廣泛,指人或物按優劣劃分的等級,也指學校中的年級或班級。
degree: 指程度、範圍不同,社會地位的高低。也可指形容詞或副詞的級。
grade: 指按地位或優劣劃分的等級,既可指人又可指物。
rank: 指人在社會中的地位或等級,尤指軍隊中的軍銜。
row, queue, line, rank, file這些名詞均含“列、隊、排”之意。
row: 指單獨的一列,也可指平行的數行中的一行,而不論是橫或縱。
queue: 指人們為做某事而有順序排成的隊,在等的過程中不斷向前移動。
line: 指人或物排成的行列。
rank: 為軍事用語,指肩並肩排列整齊的士兵橫排。
file: 為軍事用語,指縱隊。英文解釋:
名詞 rank:
- a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another
- relative status
- the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army)同義詞:rank and file
- position in a social hierarchy同義詞:social station, social status, social rank
- the body of members of an organization or group同義詞:membership
動詞 rank:
- take or have a position relative to others
- assign a rank or rating to同義詞:rate, range, order, grade, place
- take precedence or surpass others in rank同義詞:outrank
形容詞 rank:
- very fertile; producing profuse growth
- very offensive in smell or taste
- conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible同義詞:crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross
- complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers同義詞:absolute, downright, out-and-out, right-down, sheer
- growing profusely
- I rank her among the country's best writers.我認為她可屬全國最優秀作家之列。
- A general ranks a captain.將軍的級別比上尉高。
- This tennis player ranked third in the world.這位網球運動員排名世界第三。
- He is above me in rank.他的級別比我高。
A relative position in a society.社會地位,社會階層:在社會中所處的相對位置An official position or grade:職位,官級:官方地位或等級:例句:the rank of sergeant.中士職位
A relative position or degree of value in a graded group.順序,次序:在一個等級團體中所處的相對位置或相對價值層次High or eminent station or position:高位,顯貴:高級或突出的地位或職位:例句:persons of rank.達官顯貴
A row, line, series, or range.行列:行、列、系列或行列
A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.並排:橫排緊密地一個挨一個地排列著的士兵、交通工具或裝備ranks The armed forces. ranks 軍隊:武裝部隊ranks Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. ranks 軍隊士兵:人員,尤指參加軍事部隊的成員ranks A body of people classed together; numbers: ranks 民眾:歸類在一起的人們;成員:例句:joined the ranks of the unemployed.加入到失業大軍中
Games Any of the horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard.【遊戲】 橫排,橫格:西洋棋棋盤中組成格的任意橫線v.(動詞)ranked,rank.ing,ranks v.tr.(及物動詞)To place in a row or rows.排列:排入一排或數排中To give a particular order or position to; classify.分等,分級:給予…特定的次序或位置;歸類To outrank or take precedence over.高於,在…之上:級別高過…或在…之前v.intr.(不及物動詞)To hold a particular rank:位於:占據一個特定的等級:例句:ranked first in the class.在班上名列前茅
To form or stand in a row or rows.使成橫排:形成或站入一排或數排中Slang 【俚語】 To complain.抱怨To engage in carping criticism. Often used withon : 吹毛求疵,揭瘡疤:持續不斷地進行尖刻的批評。通常與on 連用: 例句:Stop ranking on me all the time.不要總對我吹毛求疵
<習慣用語>pull rank
To use one`s superior rank to gain an advantage.弄權:利用某人的高級職位謀求利益習慣用語>來源:Middle English [line, row] 中古英文 [行,列] from Old French ranc, renc 源自 古法文 ranc, renc [of Germanic origin] * see sker- 2[源於德文] *參見 sker- 2
rank 2
adj.(形容詞)rank.er,rank.est Growing profusely or with excessive vigor:茂密叢生的:生長得茂密或速度極快的:例句:rank vegetation in the jungle.叢林中茂密叢生的植物
Yielding a profuse, often excessive crop; highly fertile:極度肥沃的:生長出茂密乃至超常植物的;極其肥沃的:例句:rank earth.肥沃的土壤
Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.刺鼻的;難聞的:氣味或味道強烈或使人不舒服的Conspicuously offensive:惱人的:極其使人不快的:例句:rank treachery.See Synonyms at flagrant 臭名昭著的叛變參見 flagrant
Absolute; complete:絕對的,完全的:例句:a rank amateur; a rank stranger.一個地道的業餘者;十足的陌生人
來源:Middle English ranc 中古英文 ranc from Old English [strong, overbearing] * see reg- 源自 古英文 [強烈的,超常的] *參見 reg-
row: 指單獨的一列,也可指平行的數行中的一行,而不論是橫或縱。
queue: 指人們為做某事而有順序排成的隊,在等的過程中不斷向前移動。
line: 指人或物排成的行列。
rank: 為軍事用語,指肩並肩排列整齊的士兵橫排。
file: 為軍事用語,指縱隊。
名詞 rank:
- a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another
- relative status
- the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army)同義詞:rank and file
- position in a social hierarchy同義詞:social station, social status, social rank
- the body of members of an organization or group同義詞:membership
動詞 rank:
- take or have a position relative to others
- assign a rank or rating to同義詞:rate, range, order, grade, place
- take precedence or surpass others in rank同義詞:outrank
形容詞 rank:
- very fertile; producing profuse growth
- very offensive in smell or taste
- conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible同義詞:crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross
- complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers同義詞:absolute, downright, out-and-out, right-down, sheer
- growing profusely
- I rank her among the country's best writers.我認為她可屬全國最優秀作家之列。
- A general ranks a captain.將軍的級別比上尉高。
- This tennis player ranked third in the world.這位網球運動員排名世界第三。
- He is above me in rank.他的級別比我高。
A relative position in a society.社會地位,社會階層:在社會中所處的相對位置An official position or grade:職位,官級:官方地位或等級:例句:the rank of sergeant.中士職位
A relative position or degree of value in a graded group.順序,次序:在一個等級團體中所處的相對位置或相對價值層次High or eminent station or position:高位,顯貴:高級或突出的地位或職位:例句:persons of rank.達官顯貴
A row, line, series, or range.行列:行、列、系列或行列
A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.並排:橫排緊密地一個挨一個地排列著的士兵、交通工具或裝備ranks The armed forces. ranks 軍隊:武裝部隊ranks Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. ranks 軍隊士兵:人員,尤指參加軍事部隊的成員ranks A body of people classed together; numbers: ranks 民眾:歸類在一起的人們;成員:例句:joined the ranks of the unemployed.加入到失業大軍中
Games Any of the horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard.【遊戲】 橫排,橫格:西洋棋棋盤中組成格的任意橫線v.(動詞)ranked,rank.ing,ranks v.tr.(及物動詞)To place in a row or rows.排列:排入一排或數排中To give a particular order or position to; classify.分等,分級:給予…特定的次序或位置;歸類To outrank or take precedence over.高於,在…之上:級別高過…或在…之前v.intr.(不及物動詞)To hold a particular rank:位於:占據一個特定的等級:例句:ranked first in the class.在班上名列前茅
To form or stand in a row or rows.使成橫排:形成或站入一排或數排中Slang 【俚語】 To complain.抱怨To engage in carping criticism. Often used withon : 吹毛求疵,揭瘡疤:持續不斷地進行尖刻的批評。通常與on 連用: 例句:Stop ranking on me all the time.不要總對我吹毛求疵
<習慣用語>pull rank
To use one`s superior rank to gain an advantage.弄權:利用某人的高級職位謀求利益習慣用語>來源:Middle English [line, row] 中古英文 [行,列] from Old French ranc, renc 源自 古法文 ranc, renc [of Germanic origin] * see sker- 2[源於德文] *參見 sker- 2
rank 2
adj.(形容詞)rank.er,rank.est Growing profusely or with excessive vigor:茂密叢生的:生長得茂密或速度極快的:例句:rank vegetation in the jungle.叢林中茂密叢生的植物
Yielding a profuse, often excessive crop; highly fertile:極度肥沃的:生長出茂密乃至超常植物的;極其肥沃的:例句:rank earth.肥沃的土壤
Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.刺鼻的;難聞的:氣味或味道強烈或使人不舒服的Conspicuously offensive:惱人的:極其使人不快的:例句:rank treachery.See Synonyms at flagrant 臭名昭著的叛變參見 flagrant
Absolute; complete:絕對的,完全的:例句:a rank amateur; a rank stranger.一個地道的業餘者;十足的陌生人
來源:Middle English ranc 中古英文 ranc from Old English [strong, overbearing] * see reg- 源自 古英文 [強烈的,超常的] *參見 reg-
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