音標[reiz] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 上升, 高地, 增高
vt. 升起, 舉起, 喚起, 提高, 使出現, 使復活, 提出, 籌集, 飼養
【經】 增加, 提高
raise one's glass to sb
make a raise of
名詞:raiser 動詞過去式:raised 過去分詞:raised 現在分詞:raising 第三人稱單數:raises詞意辨析:
arise, rise, raise, lift這些動詞均有“上升,舉起”之意。
arise: 書面用詞,多用於詩歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辭色彩。
rise: 普通用詞,指具體的或抽象的事物由低向高移動。
raise: 及物動詞,常用詞,多指把某物從低處升到高處,有時作引申用。
lift: 語氣比raise強,指用體力或機械的力舉起或抬起某物。lift, hoist, raise, elevate, heave, boost這些動詞均有“升起、舉起”之意。
lift: 指用人力或機械力把某物升到較高的位置。
hoist: 多指用繩索、滑輪等機械把重物升起。
raise: 較正式用詞,常可與lift換用,但強調把某物舉起或抬起到應有的高度。常用比喻。
elevate: 較正式用詞,指位置、高度的升高,多作比喻用,指職位、品德等的提高。
heave: 指需花大力氣或借外力才能舉起或抬起重物。
boost: 原義指從後面或下面推起或提高,現常用於指提高價格、振作精神等抽象概念。raise, keep, support, feed這四個詞都有“撫養”、“養家”、“贍養”的意思,但也有區別。
raise: 意為“撫養(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”之意。- he raised the children himself;his wife died years ago.
他的妻子多年以前就去世了,他一手把孩子拉扯大。 - he raised those goats from new-born kids.
keep: 表示“養活(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”。- john has his wife and six children to keep(support).
約翰要養活妻子和六個孩子。 - they kept some hens and pigs.
support: 意為“養活”,不用於飼養動物。- she supports her old mother.
她贍養老母親。 - he has a large family to support.
feed: 意為“餵養;飼養;以......為食”。- have you fed the baby/cow yet?
嬰兒/牛餵了嗎? - she fed meat to her dog. =she fed her dog with/on meat.
她用肉餵狗。 - foxes feed on small animals.
名詞 raise:
- the amount a salary is increased同義詞:rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase
- an upward slope or grade (as in a road)同義詞:ascent, acclivity, rise, climb, upgrade
- increasing the size of a bet (as in poker)
- the act of raising something同義詞:lift, heave
動詞 raise:
- raise the level or amount of something
- raise from a lower to a higher position同義詞:lift, elevate, get up, bring up
- cause to be heard or known; express or utter
- collect funds for a specific purpose
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques同義詞:grow, farm, produce
- bring up同義詞:rear, bring up, nurture, parent
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic同義詞:conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth
- move upwards同義詞:lift
- construct, build, or erect同義詞:erect, rear, set up, put up
- call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)同義詞:arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, provoke
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise
- raise in rank or condition同義詞:lift, elevate
- increase同義詞:enhance, heighten
- give a promotion to or assign to a higher position同義詞:promote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, elevate
- cause to puff up with a leaven同義詞:leaven, prove
- bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
- bet more than the previous player
- cause to assemble or enlist in the military同義詞:recruit, levy
- put forward for consideration or discussion同義詞:bring up
- pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth
- activate or stir up
- establish radio communications with
- multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project
- invigorate or heighten同義詞:lift
- put an end to同義詞:lift
- cause to become alive again同義詞:resurrect, upraise
- I'm glad you raised that point.你能把那一點指出來,我感到很高興。
- I was raised by my aunt on a farm.我是在農場由姨媽撫養大的。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income.依靠微薄的收入是很難養家的。
- His long absence raised fears about his safety.他長期不在引起了大家對他的安全的擔心。
- She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.她舉起一根手指放在唇邊,示意肅靜。
v.(動詞)raised,rais.ing,rais.es v.tr.(及物動詞)To move to a higher position; elevate:抬起,舉起:把…移到一個較高的位置;提高:例句:raised the loads with a crane.See Synonyms at lift 用起重機把貨物吊起參見 lift
To set in an upright or erect position:立起來:把…置於豎直或垂直的位置:例句:raise a flagpole.豎起旗桿
To erect or build:建造:建立或建設:例句:raise a new building.建造一幢新樓
To cause to arise, appear, or exist:隆起,使凸起:使顯現、出現或存在:例句:The slap raised a welt.那記耳光留下了一條紅印
To increase in size, quantity, or worth:膨脹,增加:在尺寸、數量或價值方面增加:例句:raise an employee`s salary.為雇員加薪
To increase in intensity, degree, strength, or pitch:提高,增強,增大:在強度、程度、力量或音調方面增加:例句:raised his voice.他提高了聲音
To improve in rank or dignity; promote:升遷,升官:在職位或尊嚴方面改善;提升:例句:raised her to management level.把她提到管理層里
To grow, especially in quantity; cultivate:種植,栽培,繁殖:增長,尤指面數量方面;種植:例句:raise corn and soybeans.種玉米和大豆
To breed and care for to maturity:飼養:繁殖並照顧到成熟:例句:raise cattle.飼養家畜
To bring up; rear:撫養;養育:例句:raise children.撫養孩子
To put forward for consideration:提出:提出以供考慮:例句:raised an important question.See Synonyms at broach 提出一個重要的問題參見 broach
To voice; utter:發聲;發出:例句:raise a shout.發出喊叫聲
To awaken; arouse:喚醒;喚起:例句:noise that would raise the dead.聲音大得能把死人吵醒
To stir up; instigate:鼓動:挑起;煽動:例句:raise a revolt.煽動叛亂
To bring about; provoke:引起;驅使:例句:remarks intended to raise a laugh.使人發笑的話
To make contact with by radio:用無線電聯繫:例句:couldn`t raise the control tower after midnight.午夜後無法與控制塔聯絡
To gather together; collect:籌款:收集;收斂:例句:raise money from the neighbors for a charity.從鄰居們那裡收錢用於一件善事
To cause (dough) to puff up.發酵:使(麵團)膨脹To end (a siege) by withdrawing troops or forcing the enemy troops to withdraw.撤軍:把部隊撤走或迫使敵人把部隊撤走以結束(一場圍困)To remove or withdraw (an order).撤消:解除或撤消(一條命令)Games 【遊戲】 To increase (a poker bet).加註:增加(撲克賭注)To bet more than (a preceding bettor in poker).加注超過他人:下賭注超過(撲克牌遊戲中前者的賭注)To increase the bid of (one`s bridge partner).加叫:增加(某人的橋牌對家)的叫牌Nautical To bring into sight by approaching nearer:【航海】 看得見:通過靠近使進入視線:例句:raised the Cape.看到了那個岬角
To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of (a check, for example).擅自增加價值:以欺詐的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所寫的價值To cough up (phlegm).咳痰Scots To make angry; enrage.【蘇格蘭】 發怒;激怒v.intr.Games (不及物動詞)【遊戲】 To increase a poker bet or a bridge bid.加大賭註:增加撲克賭注或橋牌叫牌n.(名詞)The act of raising or increasing.增加,提高:提高或增加的行為An increase in salary.加薪:薪水的增加
<習慣用語>raise Cain 或
raise the devil 或
raise hell
To behave in a rowdy or disruptive fashion.粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行為或表現To reprimand someone angrily.譴責:生氣地斥責某人raise eyebrows
To cause surprise or mild disapproval.使不滿,使不快:引起驚奇或輕微的不滿raise the stakes
To increase one`s commitment or involvement.增加困難,增加義務:增加某人的義務或財政困難習慣用語>來源:Middle English raisen 中古英文 raisen from Old Norse reisa 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 reisa
arise: 書面用詞,多用於詩歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辭色彩。
rise: 普通用詞,指具體的或抽象的事物由低向高移動。
raise: 及物動詞,常用詞,多指把某物從低處升到高處,有時作引申用。
lift: 語氣比raise強,指用體力或機械的力舉起或抬起某物。
lift, hoist, raise, elevate, heave, boost這些動詞均有“升起、舉起”之意。
lift: 指用人力或機械力把某物升到較高的位置。
hoist: 多指用繩索、滑輪等機械把重物升起。
raise: 較正式用詞,常可與lift換用,但強調把某物舉起或抬起到應有的高度。常用比喻。
elevate: 較正式用詞,指位置、高度的升高,多作比喻用,指職位、品德等的提高。
heave: 指需花大力氣或借外力才能舉起或抬起重物。
boost: 原義指從後面或下面推起或提高,現常用於指提高價格、振作精神等抽象概念。raise, keep, support, feed這四個詞都有“撫養”、“養家”、“贍養”的意思,但也有區別。
raise: 意為“撫養(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”之意。- he raised the children himself;his wife died years ago.
他的妻子多年以前就去世了,他一手把孩子拉扯大。 - he raised those goats from new-born kids.
keep: 表示“養活(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”。- john has his wife and six children to keep(support).
約翰要養活妻子和六個孩子。 - they kept some hens and pigs.
support: 意為“養活”,不用於飼養動物。- she supports her old mother.
她贍養老母親。 - he has a large family to support.
feed: 意為“餵養;飼養;以......為食”。- have you fed the baby/cow yet?
嬰兒/牛餵了嗎? - she fed meat to her dog. =she fed her dog with/on meat.
她用肉餵狗。 - foxes feed on small animals.
名詞 raise:
- the amount a salary is increased同義詞:rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase
- an upward slope or grade (as in a road)同義詞:ascent, acclivity, rise, climb, upgrade
- increasing the size of a bet (as in poker)
- the act of raising something同義詞:lift, heave
動詞 raise:
- raise the level or amount of something
- raise from a lower to a higher position同義詞:lift, elevate, get up, bring up
- cause to be heard or known; express or utter
- collect funds for a specific purpose
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques同義詞:grow, farm, produce
- bring up同義詞:rear, bring up, nurture, parent
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic同義詞:conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth
- move upwards同義詞:lift
- construct, build, or erect同義詞:erect, rear, set up, put up
- call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)同義詞:arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, provoke
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise
- raise in rank or condition同義詞:lift, elevate
- increase同義詞:enhance, heighten
- give a promotion to or assign to a higher position同義詞:promote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, elevate
- cause to puff up with a leaven同義詞:leaven, prove
- bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
- bet more than the previous player
- cause to assemble or enlist in the military同義詞:recruit, levy
- put forward for consideration or discussion同義詞:bring up
- pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth
- activate or stir up
- establish radio communications with
- multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project
- invigorate or heighten同義詞:lift
- put an end to同義詞:lift
- cause to become alive again同義詞:resurrect, upraise
- I'm glad you raised that point.你能把那一點指出來,我感到很高興。
- I was raised by my aunt on a farm.我是在農場由姨媽撫養大的。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income.依靠微薄的收入是很難養家的。
- His long absence raised fears about his safety.他長期不在引起了大家對他的安全的擔心。
- She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.她舉起一根手指放在唇邊,示意肅靜。
v.(動詞)raised,rais.ing,rais.es v.tr.(及物動詞)To move to a higher position; elevate:抬起,舉起:把…移到一個較高的位置;提高:例句:raised the loads with a crane.See Synonyms at lift 用起重機把貨物吊起參見 lift
To set in an upright or erect position:立起來:把…置於豎直或垂直的位置:例句:raise a flagpole.豎起旗桿
To erect or build:建造:建立或建設:例句:raise a new building.建造一幢新樓
To cause to arise, appear, or exist:隆起,使凸起:使顯現、出現或存在:例句:The slap raised a welt.那記耳光留下了一條紅印
To increase in size, quantity, or worth:膨脹,增加:在尺寸、數量或價值方面增加:例句:raise an employee`s salary.為雇員加薪
To increase in intensity, degree, strength, or pitch:提高,增強,增大:在強度、程度、力量或音調方面增加:例句:raised his voice.他提高了聲音
To improve in rank or dignity; promote:升遷,升官:在職位或尊嚴方面改善;提升:例句:raised her to management level.把她提到管理層里
To grow, especially in quantity; cultivate:種植,栽培,繁殖:增長,尤指面數量方面;種植:例句:raise corn and soybeans.種玉米和大豆
To breed and care for to maturity:飼養:繁殖並照顧到成熟:例句:raise cattle.飼養家畜
To bring up; rear:撫養;養育:例句:raise children.撫養孩子
To put forward for consideration:提出:提出以供考慮:例句:raised an important question.See Synonyms at broach 提出一個重要的問題參見 broach
To voice; utter:發聲;發出:例句:raise a shout.發出喊叫聲
To awaken; arouse:喚醒;喚起:例句:noise that would raise the dead.聲音大得能把死人吵醒
To stir up; instigate:鼓動:挑起;煽動:例句:raise a revolt.煽動叛亂
To bring about; provoke:引起;驅使:例句:remarks intended to raise a laugh.使人發笑的話
To make contact with by radio:用無線電聯繫:例句:couldn`t raise the control tower after midnight.午夜後無法與控制塔聯絡
To gather together; collect:籌款:收集;收斂:例句:raise money from the neighbors for a charity.從鄰居們那裡收錢用於一件善事
To cause (dough) to puff up.發酵:使(麵團)膨脹To end (a siege) by withdrawing troops or forcing the enemy troops to withdraw.撤軍:把部隊撤走或迫使敵人把部隊撤走以結束(一場圍困)To remove or withdraw (an order).撤消:解除或撤消(一條命令)Games 【遊戲】 To increase (a poker bet).加註:增加(撲克賭注)To bet more than (a preceding bettor in poker).加注超過他人:下賭注超過(撲克牌遊戲中前者的賭注)To increase the bid of (one`s bridge partner).加叫:增加(某人的橋牌對家)的叫牌Nautical To bring into sight by approaching nearer:【航海】 看得見:通過靠近使進入視線:例句:raised the Cape.看到了那個岬角
To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of (a check, for example).擅自增加價值:以欺詐的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所寫的價值To cough up (phlegm).咳痰Scots To make angry; enrage.【蘇格蘭】 發怒;激怒v.intr.Games (不及物動詞)【遊戲】 To increase a poker bet or a bridge bid.加大賭註:增加撲克賭注或橋牌叫牌n.(名詞)The act of raising or increasing.增加,提高:提高或增加的行為An increase in salary.加薪:薪水的增加
<習慣用語>raise Cain 或
raise the devil 或
raise hell
To behave in a rowdy or disruptive fashion.粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行為或表現To reprimand someone angrily.譴責:生氣地斥責某人raise eyebrows
To cause surprise or mild disapproval.使不滿,使不快:引起驚奇或輕微的不滿raise the stakes
To increase one`s commitment or involvement.增加困難,增加義務:增加某人的義務或財政困難習慣用語>來源:Middle English raisen 中古英文 raisen from Old Norse reisa 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 reisa
lift: 指用人力或機械力把某物升到較高的位置。
hoist: 多指用繩索、滑輪等機械把重物升起。
raise: 較正式用詞,常可與lift換用,但強調把某物舉起或抬起到應有的高度。常用比喻。
elevate: 較正式用詞,指位置、高度的升高,多作比喻用,指職位、品德等的提高。
heave: 指需花大力氣或借外力才能舉起或抬起重物。
boost: 原義指從後面或下面推起或提高,現常用於指提高價格、振作精神等抽象概念。
raise, keep, support, feed這四個詞都有“撫養”、“養家”、“贍養”的意思,但也有區別。
raise: 意為“撫養(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”之意。- he raised the children himself;his wife died years ago.
他的妻子多年以前就去世了,他一手把孩子拉扯大。 - he raised those goats from new-born kids.
keep: 表示“養活(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”。- john has his wife and six children to keep(support).
約翰要養活妻子和六個孩子。 - they kept some hens and pigs.
support: 意為“養活”,不用於飼養動物。- she supports her old mother.
她贍養老母親。 - he has a large family to support.
feed: 意為“餵養;飼養;以......為食”。- have you fed the baby/cow yet?
嬰兒/牛餵了嗎? - she fed meat to her dog. =she fed her dog with/on meat.
她用肉餵狗。 - foxes feed on small animals.
名詞 raise:
- the amount a salary is increased同義詞:rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase
- an upward slope or grade (as in a road)同義詞:ascent, acclivity, rise, climb, upgrade
- increasing the size of a bet (as in poker)
- the act of raising something同義詞:lift, heave
動詞 raise:
- raise the level or amount of something
- raise from a lower to a higher position同義詞:lift, elevate, get up, bring up
- cause to be heard or known; express or utter
- collect funds for a specific purpose
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques同義詞:grow, farm, produce
- bring up同義詞:rear, bring up, nurture, parent
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic同義詞:conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth
- move upwards同義詞:lift
- construct, build, or erect同義詞:erect, rear, set up, put up
- call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)同義詞:arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, provoke
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise
- raise in rank or condition同義詞:lift, elevate
- increase同義詞:enhance, heighten
- give a promotion to or assign to a higher position同義詞:promote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, elevate
- cause to puff up with a leaven同義詞:leaven, prove
- bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
- bet more than the previous player
- cause to assemble or enlist in the military同義詞:recruit, levy
- put forward for consideration or discussion同義詞:bring up
- pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth
- activate or stir up
- establish radio communications with
- multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project
- invigorate or heighten同義詞:lift
- put an end to同義詞:lift
- cause to become alive again同義詞:resurrect, upraise
- I'm glad you raised that point.你能把那一點指出來,我感到很高興。
- I was raised by my aunt on a farm.我是在農場由姨媽撫養大的。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income.依靠微薄的收入是很難養家的。
- His long absence raised fears about his safety.他長期不在引起了大家對他的安全的擔心。
- She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.她舉起一根手指放在唇邊,示意肅靜。
v.(動詞)raised,rais.ing,rais.es v.tr.(及物動詞)To move to a higher position; elevate:抬起,舉起:把…移到一個較高的位置;提高:例句:raised the loads with a crane.See Synonyms at lift 用起重機把貨物吊起參見 lift
To set in an upright or erect position:立起來:把…置於豎直或垂直的位置:例句:raise a flagpole.豎起旗桿
To erect or build:建造:建立或建設:例句:raise a new building.建造一幢新樓
To cause to arise, appear, or exist:隆起,使凸起:使顯現、出現或存在:例句:The slap raised a welt.那記耳光留下了一條紅印
To increase in size, quantity, or worth:膨脹,增加:在尺寸、數量或價值方面增加:例句:raise an employee`s salary.為雇員加薪
To increase in intensity, degree, strength, or pitch:提高,增強,增大:在強度、程度、力量或音調方面增加:例句:raised his voice.他提高了聲音
To improve in rank or dignity; promote:升遷,升官:在職位或尊嚴方面改善;提升:例句:raised her to management level.把她提到管理層里
To grow, especially in quantity; cultivate:種植,栽培,繁殖:增長,尤指面數量方面;種植:例句:raise corn and soybeans.種玉米和大豆
To breed and care for to maturity:飼養:繁殖並照顧到成熟:例句:raise cattle.飼養家畜
To bring up; rear:撫養;養育:例句:raise children.撫養孩子
To put forward for consideration:提出:提出以供考慮:例句:raised an important question.See Synonyms at broach 提出一個重要的問題參見 broach
To voice; utter:發聲;發出:例句:raise a shout.發出喊叫聲
To awaken; arouse:喚醒;喚起:例句:noise that would raise the dead.聲音大得能把死人吵醒
To stir up; instigate:鼓動:挑起;煽動:例句:raise a revolt.煽動叛亂
To bring about; provoke:引起;驅使:例句:remarks intended to raise a laugh.使人發笑的話
To make contact with by radio:用無線電聯繫:例句:couldn`t raise the control tower after midnight.午夜後無法與控制塔聯絡
To gather together; collect:籌款:收集;收斂:例句:raise money from the neighbors for a charity.從鄰居們那裡收錢用於一件善事
To cause (dough) to puff up.發酵:使(麵團)膨脹To end (a siege) by withdrawing troops or forcing the enemy troops to withdraw.撤軍:把部隊撤走或迫使敵人把部隊撤走以結束(一場圍困)To remove or withdraw (an order).撤消:解除或撤消(一條命令)Games 【遊戲】 To increase (a poker bet).加註:增加(撲克賭注)To bet more than (a preceding bettor in poker).加注超過他人:下賭注超過(撲克牌遊戲中前者的賭注)To increase the bid of (one`s bridge partner).加叫:增加(某人的橋牌對家)的叫牌Nautical To bring into sight by approaching nearer:【航海】 看得見:通過靠近使進入視線:例句:raised the Cape.看到了那個岬角
To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of (a check, for example).擅自增加價值:以欺詐的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所寫的價值To cough up (phlegm).咳痰Scots To make angry; enrage.【蘇格蘭】 發怒;激怒v.intr.Games (不及物動詞)【遊戲】 To increase a poker bet or a bridge bid.加大賭註:增加撲克賭注或橋牌叫牌n.(名詞)The act of raising or increasing.增加,提高:提高或增加的行為An increase in salary.加薪:薪水的增加
<習慣用語>raise Cain 或
raise the devil 或
raise hell
To behave in a rowdy or disruptive fashion.粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行為或表現To reprimand someone angrily.譴責:生氣地斥責某人raise eyebrows
To cause surprise or mild disapproval.使不滿,使不快:引起驚奇或輕微的不滿raise the stakes
To increase one`s commitment or involvement.增加困難,增加義務:增加某人的義務或財政困難習慣用語>來源:Middle English raisen 中古英文 raisen from Old Norse reisa 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 reisa
raise: 意為“撫養(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”之意。
- he raised the children himself;his wife died years ago.
他的妻子多年以前就去世了,他一手把孩子拉扯大。 - he raised those goats from new-born kids.
keep: 表示“養活(指人);飼養(指動物或禽畜)”。
- john has his wife and six children to keep(support).
約翰要養活妻子和六個孩子。 - they kept some hens and pigs.
support: 意為“養活”,不用於飼養動物。
- she supports her old mother.
她贍養老母親。 - he has a large family to support.
feed: 意為“餵養;飼養;以......為食”。
- have you fed the baby/cow yet?
嬰兒/牛餵了嗎? - she fed meat to her dog. =she fed her dog with/on meat.
她用肉餵狗。 - foxes feed on small animals.
名詞 raise:
- the amount a salary is increased同義詞:rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase
- an upward slope or grade (as in a road)同義詞:ascent, acclivity, rise, climb, upgrade
- increasing the size of a bet (as in poker)
- the act of raising something同義詞:lift, heave
動詞 raise:
- raise the level or amount of something
- raise from a lower to a higher position同義詞:lift, elevate, get up, bring up
- cause to be heard or known; express or utter
- collect funds for a specific purpose
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques同義詞:grow, farm, produce
- bring up同義詞:rear, bring up, nurture, parent
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic同義詞:conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth
- move upwards同義詞:lift
- construct, build, or erect同義詞:erect, rear, set up, put up
- call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)同義詞:arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, provoke
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise
- raise in rank or condition同義詞:lift, elevate
- increase同義詞:enhance, heighten
- give a promotion to or assign to a higher position同義詞:promote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, elevate
- cause to puff up with a leaven同義詞:leaven, prove
- bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
- bet more than the previous player
- cause to assemble or enlist in the military同義詞:recruit, levy
- put forward for consideration or discussion同義詞:bring up
- pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth
- activate or stir up
- establish radio communications with
- multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project
- invigorate or heighten同義詞:lift
- put an end to同義詞:lift
- cause to become alive again同義詞:resurrect, upraise
- I'm glad you raised that point.你能把那一點指出來,我感到很高興。
- I was raised by my aunt on a farm.我是在農場由姨媽撫養大的。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income.依靠微薄的收入是很難養家的。
- His long absence raised fears about his safety.他長期不在引起了大家對他的安全的擔心。
- She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.她舉起一根手指放在唇邊,示意肅靜。
v.(動詞)raised,rais.ing,rais.es v.tr.(及物動詞)To move to a higher position; elevate:抬起,舉起:把…移到一個較高的位置;提高:例句:raised the loads with a crane.See Synonyms at lift 用起重機把貨物吊起參見 lift
To set in an upright or erect position:立起來:把…置於豎直或垂直的位置:例句:raise a flagpole.豎起旗桿
To erect or build:建造:建立或建設:例句:raise a new building.建造一幢新樓
To cause to arise, appear, or exist:隆起,使凸起:使顯現、出現或存在:例句:The slap raised a welt.那記耳光留下了一條紅印
To increase in size, quantity, or worth:膨脹,增加:在尺寸、數量或價值方面增加:例句:raise an employee`s salary.為雇員加薪
To increase in intensity, degree, strength, or pitch:提高,增強,增大:在強度、程度、力量或音調方面增加:例句:raised his voice.他提高了聲音
To improve in rank or dignity; promote:升遷,升官:在職位或尊嚴方面改善;提升:例句:raised her to management level.把她提到管理層里
To grow, especially in quantity; cultivate:種植,栽培,繁殖:增長,尤指面數量方面;種植:例句:raise corn and soybeans.種玉米和大豆
To breed and care for to maturity:飼養:繁殖並照顧到成熟:例句:raise cattle.飼養家畜
To bring up; rear:撫養;養育:例句:raise children.撫養孩子
To put forward for consideration:提出:提出以供考慮:例句:raised an important question.See Synonyms at broach 提出一個重要的問題參見 broach
To voice; utter:發聲;發出:例句:raise a shout.發出喊叫聲
To awaken; arouse:喚醒;喚起:例句:noise that would raise the dead.聲音大得能把死人吵醒
To stir up; instigate:鼓動:挑起;煽動:例句:raise a revolt.煽動叛亂
To bring about; provoke:引起;驅使:例句:remarks intended to raise a laugh.使人發笑的話
To make contact with by radio:用無線電聯繫:例句:couldn`t raise the control tower after midnight.午夜後無法與控制塔聯絡
To gather together; collect:籌款:收集;收斂:例句:raise money from the neighbors for a charity.從鄰居們那裡收錢用於一件善事
To cause (dough) to puff up.發酵:使(麵團)膨脹To end (a siege) by withdrawing troops or forcing the enemy troops to withdraw.撤軍:把部隊撤走或迫使敵人把部隊撤走以結束(一場圍困)To remove or withdraw (an order).撤消:解除或撤消(一條命令)Games 【遊戲】 To increase (a poker bet).加註:增加(撲克賭注)To bet more than (a preceding bettor in poker).加注超過他人:下賭注超過(撲克牌遊戲中前者的賭注)To increase the bid of (one`s bridge partner).加叫:增加(某人的橋牌對家)的叫牌Nautical To bring into sight by approaching nearer:【航海】 看得見:通過靠近使進入視線:例句:raised the Cape.看到了那個岬角
To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of (a check, for example).擅自增加價值:以欺詐的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所寫的價值To cough up (phlegm).咳痰Scots To make angry; enrage.【蘇格蘭】 發怒;激怒v.intr.Games (不及物動詞)【遊戲】 To increase a poker bet or a bridge bid.加大賭註:增加撲克賭注或橋牌叫牌n.(名詞)The act of raising or increasing.增加,提高:提高或增加的行為An increase in salary.加薪:薪水的增加
<習慣用語>raise Cain 或
raise the devil 或
raise hell
To behave in a rowdy or disruptive fashion.粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行為或表現To reprimand someone angrily.譴責:生氣地斥責某人raise eyebrows
To cause surprise or mild disapproval.使不滿,使不快:引起驚奇或輕微的不滿raise the stakes
To increase one`s commitment or involvement.增加困難,增加義務:增加某人的義務或財政困難習慣用語>來源:Middle English raisen 中古英文 raisen from Old Norse reisa 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 reisa
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