動詞過去式:quit,quitted 過去分詞:quit,quitted 現在分詞:quitting 第三人稱單數:quits詞意辨析:
cease, pause, stop, halt, quit, end這些動詞均含有“停止”之意。
cease: 指逐漸、徐徐中止某種狀態的存在。書面用詞。
pause: 指暫時的、瞬間的停頓,隱含有再進行之意。
stop: 指動作、運行、進展等被停下來,含突然、斷然的意味。
halt: 側重突然地、決定性地終止、停止某一活動。
quit: 指最終徹底停止某事,有時暗示遭到失敗或面臨挫折。
end: 多指“自然的結束”。如:- the book ends on page 364.
depart, leave, go, start, quit, set out這些動詞均含“離開某處”之意。
depart: 較正式用詞,指經過周密考慮或鄭重地離開,強調離開的起點。
leave: 側重出發地而不是目的地。
go: 一般用詞,指從所在地到其它地方去,著重目的地而非出發地。
start: 可與leave換用,強調目的地,但不及leave普通。
quit: 側重指離開令人煩惱的地方,或擺脫使人不快的人或事。
set out: 書面用詞。英文解釋:
動詞 quit:
- put an end to a state or an activity同義詞:discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay off
- give up or retire from a position同義詞:leave office, quit, step down, resign
- go away or leave同義詞:depart, take leave, quit
- turn away from; give up同義詞:foreswear, renounce, quit, relinquish
- give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat同義詞:drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge
- You must quit smoking. Most important of all, you should start taking exercise.
- You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒菸愈好。
- He quit in disgrace over the bribe.他因受賄而不光彩地辭職了。
- I've had enough, so I quit.我受夠了,所以辭職不幹了。
- I've quit my job.我辭職了。
cease: 指逐漸、徐徐中止某種狀態的存在。書面用詞。
pause: 指暫時的、瞬間的停頓,隱含有再進行之意。
stop: 指動作、運行、進展等被停下來,含突然、斷然的意味。
halt: 側重突然地、決定性地終止、停止某一活動。
quit: 指最終徹底停止某事,有時暗示遭到失敗或面臨挫折。
end: 多指“自然的結束”。如:
- the book ends on page 364.
depart, leave, go, start, quit, set out這些動詞均含“離開某處”之意。
depart: 較正式用詞,指經過周密考慮或鄭重地離開,強調離開的起點。
leave: 側重出發地而不是目的地。
go: 一般用詞,指從所在地到其它地方去,著重目的地而非出發地。
start: 可與leave換用,強調目的地,但不及leave普通。
quit: 側重指離開令人煩惱的地方,或擺脫使人不快的人或事。
set out: 書面用詞。英文解釋:
動詞 quit:
- put an end to a state or an activity同義詞:discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay off
- give up or retire from a position同義詞:leave office, quit, step down, resign
- go away or leave同義詞:depart, take leave, quit
- turn away from; give up同義詞:foreswear, renounce, quit, relinquish
- give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat同義詞:drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge
- You must quit smoking. Most important of all, you should start taking exercise.
- You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒菸愈好。
- He quit in disgrace over the bribe.他因受賄而不光彩地辭職了。
- I've had enough, so I quit.我受夠了,所以辭職不幹了。
- I've quit my job.我辭職了。
depart: 較正式用詞,指經過周密考慮或鄭重地離開,強調離開的起點。
leave: 側重出發地而不是目的地。
go: 一般用詞,指從所在地到其它地方去,著重目的地而非出發地。
start: 可與leave換用,強調目的地,但不及leave普通。
quit: 側重指離開令人煩惱的地方,或擺脫使人不快的人或事。
set out: 書面用詞。
動詞 quit:
- put an end to a state or an activity同義詞:discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay off
- give up or retire from a position同義詞:leave office, quit, step down, resign
- go away or leave同義詞:depart, take leave, quit
- turn away from; give up同義詞:foreswear, renounce, quit, relinquish
- give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat同義詞:drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge
- You must quit smoking. Most important of all, you should start taking exercise.
- You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒菸愈好。
- He quit in disgrace over the bribe.他因受賄而不光彩地辭職了。
- I've had enough, so I quit.我受夠了,所以辭職不幹了。
- I've quit my job.我辭職了。

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