音標[kwɔ:k] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 夸克
【化】 夸克
名詞 quark:
- (physics) hypothetical truly fundamental particle in mesons and baryons; there are supposed to be six flavors of quarks (and their antiquarks), which come in pairs; each has an electric charge of +2/3 or -1/3
- fresh unripened cheese of a smooth texture made from pasteurized milk, a starter, and rennet同義詞:quark cheese
Any of a group of hypothetical elementary particles having electric charges of magnitude one-third or two-thirds that of the electron, regarded as constituents of all hadrons.See table at subatomic particle
夸克:一組假想的電粒子中的任一個,它帶有電子的三分之一或三分之二的電荷量,被認為是所有強子的組成要素參見 subatomic particle
Possibly from Three quarks for Muster Mark! , a line in Finnegans Wake by James Joyce
可能源自 Three quarks for Muster Mark! ,詹姆斯·喬伊斯所作的 為芬尼根守靈 by James Joyce
<注釋>.Three quarks for Muster Mark!/Sure he hasn`t got much of a bark/And sure any he has it`s all beside the mark.. This passage of James Joyce`sFinnegans Wake is part of a scurrilous 3-line poem directed against King Mark,the cuckolded husband in the Tristan legend.The poem and the accompanying prose are packed with names of birds and words suggestive of birds,and the poem is a squawk,like the cawing of a crow, against King Mark.Thus, Joyce uses the wordquark, which comes from the standard English verbquark, meaning .to caw, croak,. and also from the dialectal verb quawk, meaning.to caw, screech like a bird.. But Joyce`squark was not what it has become: .any of a group of hypothetical subatomic particles proposed as the fundamental units of matter..Murray Gell-Mann, the physicist who proposed these particles, in a private letter of June 27, 978, to the editor of theOxford English Dictionary, said that he had actually been influenced by Joyce`s word in naming the particle,although the influence was subconscious at first.Gell-Mann was thinking of using the pronunciation (kwôrk) for the particle,possibly something he had picked up fromFinnegans Wake, which he .had perused from time to time since it appeared in 939. . . . The allusion to three quarks seemed perfect. (originally there were only three subatomic quarks).Gell-Mann, however, wanted to pronounce the word with (ô) not (ô), as Joyce seemed to indicate by rhyming words in the vicinity such asMark. Gell-Mann got around that .by supposing that one ingredient of the line ‘Three quarks for Muster Mark’was a cry of ‘Three quarts for Mister . . . ’ heard in H.C. Earwicker`s pub..
沖馬克王呱叫三聲!/很顯然一聲狗吠對他還不夠/很顯然他所有的一切都和盛名無關。 這一段出自詹姆斯·喬伊斯的為芬尼根守靈 , 是對馬克王進行侮辱謾罵的一首十三行詩中的一部分。馬克王是特里斯特拉姆傳奇故事中被戴了綠帽子的丈夫。這首詩和隨同的敘述中充斥著鳥類的名字和暗示鳥類的詞。這首詩是對馬克王的粗聲抗訴,就象烏鴉的啼叫。所以喬伊斯用了quark 一詞, 它來源於標準英文動詞quark (意思為.呱呱地叫,烏鴉叫.)和方言中的動詞 quawk (意思為.象鳥一樣呱呱地叫、尖叫.)。 喬伊斯筆下的quark 一詞並不是現在形成的意思: .任何一組假想的亞原子粒子,被認為是物質的基本單位.。這些粒子的提出者——物理學家默里·基爾曼在978年'月27日寫給牛津英文字典 編者的一封私人信件中說, 他給這種粒子命名時確實受到了喬伊斯這個詞的影響,雖然這種影響起初只是潛意識的。基爾曼本想用(kwôrk)這個發音來代表這種粒子,可能也是從為芬尼根守靈 一書中汲取出來的。 自從939年這書出版以來,他曾時常精讀…關於三聲呱叫的暗示看上去很完滿(最初只有三種亞原子夸克)。但是基爾曼想讓這個詞發音為(o)而不是(a)——喬伊斯將韻押為與Mark 相近的音好象表明該發這個音。 基爾曼認為這行詩中的一部分.對馬克王呱叫三聲.,實際上是在酒店中聽到的.給這位先生來三夸脫酒.叫喊聲
quark 2
A soft, creamy acid-cured cheese of central Europe made from whole milk.
from Middle High German quarc
源自 中古高地德文 quarc
[of Slavic origin]
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