【計】 驗證, 證明
【醫】 藥力試驗(順勢療法的名詞)
- My millionaire grandfather left all his money to research into proving that the pyramids in Egypt were built by visitors from outer space. That beats the band!我祖父生前是一百萬富翁,他把自己的全部資財遺贈出來,用以考證埃及金字塔是天外來客建造的這一臆斷是否成立。
- He takes great delight in proving others wrong.他的極大樂趣是證實別人錯了。
- What a sod this job is proving to be!這事兒可真棘手哇!
- Now her teachers corps, called Teach for American is off and running. After a rigorous competition,500 recent college graduates won places out of a field of2,500 applicants, proving Ms.Kopp's theory that making the corps selective would enhance its appeal to college students.現在她的教師工作團——名為教師報國團——已迅速展開工作。經過一番激烈競爭之後,2500名申請人中,500名剛從大學畢業的被錄取。證明了柯普女士的理論:工作團從嚴錄取將可在大學生中增加號召力。
動詞 prove:
- be shown or be found to be同義詞:prove, turn out, turn up
- establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment同義詞:prove, demonstrate, establish, show, shew
- provide evidence for同義詞:testify, bear witness, prove, evidence, show
- prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof同義詞:prove
- put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to同義詞:test, prove, try, try out, examine, essay
- increase in volume同義詞:rise, prove
- cause to puff up with a leaven同義詞:raise, leaven, prove
- take a trial impression of同義詞:prove
- obtain probate of同義詞:prove