n. 名聲, 受大眾歡迎, 流行
名詞 popularity:
- the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after
- This policy led to an upswing in the party's popularity.這一政策使該黨深得人心。
- His supporters fell away as his popularity declined.在他聲望下降時許多支持他的人都疏遠了他。
- Golf have gained popularity among the wealthy in my country.高爾夫球已在我國富有的人中流行起來。
- Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.現在,隨著家用電腦的再現和普及,人們開始討論起家用電腦的優缺點了。
- Her books have been in popularity recently.她的書近來大受歡迎。
- His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever.他在勞動人民中一如既往聲望很高。