pop off
睡著, (突然)死去【機】 溢放口
- "Stop talking about my money: I don't intend to pop off yet!" shouted Mr. Harkins to his three sons.哈金斯先生朝著他3個兒子嚷道:"不準再談論我的錢,我還不打算就死呢!"
- He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people.他有信口開河的毛病,無意中得罪了不少人
動詞 pop off:
- leave quickly
- pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life同義詞:die, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, choke, croak, snuff it