音標['færisi:] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 偽君子, 偽善者
名詞 pharisee:
- a self-righteous or sanctimonious person
- a member of an ancient Jewish sect noted for strict obedience to Jewish traditions
n.(名詞)Pharisee A member of an ancient Jewish sect that emphasized strict interpretation and observance of the Mosaic law in both its oral and written form. Pharisee 法利賽人:古代猶太教一派的成員,強調嚴格解釋和遵守摩西法律,無論以口頭還是書面的形式A hypocritically self-righteous person.假裝自以為是的人,偽善者
來源:Middle English pharise 中古英文 pharise from Old English fariseus 源自 古英文 fariseus and from Old French pharise 並源自 古法文 pharise both from Late Latin pharosaeus 都源自 後期拉丁語 pharosaeus from Greek pharisaios 源自 希臘語 pharisaios from Aramaic pμroôayy3 源自 阿拉姆語 pμroôayy3
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