a. 可察覺的, 能感覺得到的, 看得見的
副詞:perceptibly 名詞:perceptibility英文解釋:
形容詞 perceptible:
- capable of being perceived by the mind or senses
- easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
- easily seen or detected同義詞:detectable
- Moving air, especially a natural and perceptible movement of air parallel to or along the ground.
- A tremulous or pulsating effect produced in an instrumental or vocal tone by barely perceptible minute and rapid variations in pitch.
- It's perceptible that you are a good man.可以看出,你是一個好人。
- People's living standard has had a perceptible improvement.
adj.(形容詞)Capable of being perceived by the senses or the mind:可感知的:能被感官或感覺所感知的:例句:perceptible sounds in the night.在夜裡總能感覺到聲響
來源:Late Latin perceptibilis 後期拉丁語 perceptibilis from Latin perceptus [past participle of] percipere [to perceive] * see perceive 源自 拉丁語 perceptus [] percipere的過去分詞 [感知] *參見 perceive
adv.(副詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>perceptible,palpable,appreciable,noticeable,discernible同義詞>These adjectives apply to what is capable of being apprehended with the mind or through the senses as being real.這些形容詞適用於用意識或通過感官可被察覺到為真實存在的東西。 Perceptible is the least specific: Perceptible 是最不具體的: 例句:After quite a perceptible pause, during which he consulted his notes, the lecturer continued.演講人在很長的一段可感知的停頓後,他核對了自己的筆記,然後繼續。
Palpable applies both to what is perceptible by means of the sense of touchand to what is readily perceived by the mind: Palpable 既可用以表示通過觸覺感受到的事物,也可表示已通過意識感知到的事物: 例句:.I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpable enemy. (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley). .我覺得似乎自己的靈魂在與一個明顯的敵人格斗. (瑪麗·沃斯通克拉夫特·謝利)。
例句:.The advantages Mr. Falkland possessed . . . are palpable. (William Godwin).What isappreciable is capable of being estimated or measured: .福克蘭德先生所具有的優勢…是顯而易見的. (威廉·戈德溫)。Appreciable 形容可被推測或估算的事物:
例句:Appreciable amounts of noxious waste are still being dumped into the harbor.可以估算的大量有害廢物仍被傾倒入海港。
Noticeable means easily observed: Noticeable 意為很容易被觀察到的: 例句:noticeable shadows under her eyes;她眼睛下明顯的陰影;
例句:a noticeable tremor in his voice.他的聲音明顯地顫抖。
Discernible means distinguishable,especially by the faculty of vision or the intellect: Discernible 意為可區別或可辨別的,尤其是通過視覺或理智: 例句:The skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles.甚至在幾英里之外都可清晰地辨別出地平線。
例句:The newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations. 報紙報導談判沒有明顯的進展

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