音標['p?l?tain] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 巴拉汀伯爵的, 在領地內行使王權的, 齶的, 宏偉的, 壯麗的
n. 巴拉汀伯爵, 宮廷官吏, 毛皮圍巾
【醫】 齶的
名詞 palatine:
- any of various important officials in ancient Rome
- (Middle Ages) the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands同義詞:palsgrave
- the most important of the Seven Hills of Rome; supposedly the location of the first settlement and the site of many imperial palaces
- either of two irregularly shaped bones that form the back of the hard palate and helps to form the nasal cavity and the floor of the orbits同義詞:palatine bone, os palatinum
形容詞 palatine:
- relating to or lying near the palate同義詞:palatal
- of or relating to a count palatine and his royal prerogatives
- of or relating to a palace
- The office, powers, or territory of a palatine.宮庭官吏的辦公室,職權和領地
A soldier of the palace guard of the Roman emperors, formed in the time of Diocletian.羅馬皇帝宮殿警衛的一個士兵,形成於戴克里先時期A soldier of a major division of the Roman army formed in the time of Constantine I.羅馬軍隊主要部門的一個士兵,形成於康斯坦丁一世時期Used as a title for various administrative officials of the late Roman and Byzantine empires.宮廷官吏:用來作為各種各樣管理官員的頭銜,在羅馬和拜占庭帝國後期A feudal lord exercising sovereign power over his lands.Also called In this sense, also called palsgrave 領主:在領土上實施最高權利的封建主也作 在此意義上也可稱作 palsgraveadj.(形容詞)Belonging to or fit for a palace.宮殿的:屬於或適合於宮殿的Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate.官吏:屬於或有關於宮廷官吏的
來源:From Middle English [ruled by an independent lord] 源自 中古英文 [被一獨立的君主統治] from Old French palatin 源自 古法文 palatin from Late Latin pal3tonus [palace official] 源自 後期拉丁語 pal3tonus [宮廷行政人員] from Latin pal3tonus 源自 拉丁語 pal3tonus from Pal3tium [imperial residence] * see palace 源自 Pal3tium [帝王的住所] *參見 palace
palatine 2
adj.(形容詞)Of or relating to the palate:顎的:屬於或與顎有關的:例句:the palatine tonsils.顎扁桃腺
Of or relating to either of two bones that make up the hard palate.顎骨的:屬於或有關於組成硬顎的兩塊骨頭之一的n.(名詞)Either of the two bones that make up the hard palate.顎骨:組成硬顎的兩塊骨頭之一
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