- postmortem interval
- partial delusion
- purulent meningitis
- position(ed) welding
- production language
- peritonsillitis
- procedure call
- paramagnetic ring current
- propyl rhodanate
- propanetriol
- pseudoprogram
- peristrumous
- product warranties
- phenylchinaldin
- packed absorption column
- peening
- PASCAL data type PASCAL
- phosphaniline
- presentive
- preemption
- psammism
- physical tests
- place of loading
- palmar erythema
- pulse interrogation
- pneumonolipoidosis
- programming librarians
- pansphygmograph
- pentagrid mixer
- pelvic rest
- point-to-point connection
- proctotresia
- pergolide
- propanol
- pine for
- Pukall filter
- precipice
- posterior naris
- partes pancreatica
- push ahead with