國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> O開頭詞條>>own to的意思own to 讀音 漢語翻譯承認例句:It is easy to pick holes in other people's plans, but have you a better one of your own to offer?要挑別人計畫中的毛病很容易,可你自己能不能提出一個較好的方案呢?He would not own to knowing those persons.他不願承認認識那些人。I own to being uncertain about that.我坦白承認對那件事還沒有把握。猜你喜歡:optional interrupt的漢語翻譯 oil filled cable的漢語翻譯 off-hook的漢語翻譯 off-load的漢語翻譯 opticofacial winking reflex的漢語翻譯 ozone generator的漢語翻譯 oil of wine的漢語翻譯 oil skimmer的漢語翻譯 overlayable segment的漢語翻譯 omasum的漢語翻譯 oxyproteic acid的漢語翻譯 organization manual的漢語翻譯 over point的漢語翻譯 odorimeter的漢語翻譯 oculomotor的漢語翻譯