only just
剛剛才, 恰好例句:
- I've only just moved to London.我剛剛搬到倫敦。
- We've only just moved here so we still feel a bit out of it.我們剛剛搬到這裡,和別人不熟感到仍有些冷清。
- He only just caught the train.他差點沒趕上火車。
- In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building.在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建築物的輪廓來。
- She only just scraped through the test.她測驗勉強及格。
- I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.我極力控制住自己沒對他喊叫起來。
- I've only just heard about his dismissal.我剛聽到他遭解僱的事。
- I only just spoke with her.我剛剛才和她說過話。
only just