國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> O開頭詞條>>olfactory brain的意思olfactory brain 讀音 漢語翻譯【醫】 嗅腦英文解釋:名詞 olfactory brain:a center in the cerebral hemispheres that governs the sense of smell in lower animals; in humans it seems to mediate complex emotional behavior同義詞:rhinencephalon猜你喜歡:ophthalm-的漢語翻譯 O-2 poisoning的漢語翻譯 oils and fat(s)的漢語翻譯 ovotid的漢語翻譯 oesophagus的漢語翻譯 off-color gasoline的漢語翻譯 objective statement的漢語翻譯 oesophagoscopy的漢語翻譯 obtaining by deception的漢語翻譯 other one的漢語翻譯 overflow lip的漢語翻譯 ordnance的漢語翻譯 optimal policy的漢語翻譯 oscillationg crystal的漢語翻譯 obstetric vectis的漢語翻譯