off and
忽然, 意外地英文造句:
- Just buzz off and leave me alone!走開,讓我清靜一下!
- I need a new bicycle lamp my old one fell off and broke.我需要一個新的腳踏車車燈--舊的摔破了。
- The most able pupils are creamed off and put into special classes.最有才華的學生被挑選出來編入特別班。
- United kicked off and scored almost immediately.聯隊開球後旋即得分。
- Her hat flew off and landed up in the river.她的帽子讓風颳跑落到河裡了。
- He only accepted the primary education off and on in his childhood.他小時候只斷斷續續地接受過初等教育。
- They stripped off and jumped into the pool.他們脫掉衣服,跳進了池子。
- Now her teachers corps, called Teach for American is off and running. After a rigorous competition,500 recent college graduates won places out of a field of2,500 applicants, proving Ms.Kopp's theory that making the corps selective would enhance its appeal to college students.現在她的教師工作團——名為教師報國團——已迅速展開工作。經過一番激烈競爭之後,2500名申請人中,500名剛從大學畢業的被錄取。證明了柯普女士的理論:工作團從嚴錄取將可在大學生中增加號召力。
off and