- over absorbed cost
- or clause
- optical fiber
- Oudin current
- objective fidelity criteria
- opodeldoc
- output decision
- oil of amber
- opacimeter
- observerscope
- oscheoplasty
- out of the vertical
- octohydroxy-arachidic acid
- option of nationality
- orchi-
- oceanic
- ortho-ester
- othosenine
- oil gauge
- ossa coccygis
- opiolatry
- orientomycin
- oil servicing
- osteosclerosis congenita
- overload current
- ossificans sarcoma
- Orth's Fluid
- ovoplasmon
- oil pressure regulator
- other documents
- operand register
- operating section
- oxyhydrogen flame
- overemphasize
- operation chart
- odd side board
- oculentum cocainae
- obtaining credit by deception
- outcome
- ora