音標['m?:tl] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 桃金孃科植物
【醫】 桃金孃
名詞 myrtle:
- widely cultivated as a groundcover for its dark green shiny leaves and usually blue-violet flowers同義詞:Vinca minor
- any evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Myrtus
- The white flowers in the myrtle smell sweet.桃金孃上的白花聞起來很香。
n.(名詞)Any of several evergreen shrubs or trees of the genusMyrtus, especially M. communis, an aromatic shrub native to the Mediterranean region and western Asia, having pink or white flowers and blue-black berries and widely cultivated as a hedge plant. 桃金孃,番櫻桃:幾種桃金孃 屬常綠灌木或樹的任一種,尤指 香桃木 ,一種原產於地中海地區和西亞的芳香族灌木,有粉色或白色的花和深藍色的漿果,而且作為一種樹籬植物而被廣泛栽培 See periwinkle 2參見 periwinkle2
來源:Middle English mirtille 中古英文 mirtille from Old French 源自 古法文 from Medieval Latin myrtillus 源自 中世紀拉丁語 myrtillus diminutive of Latin myrtus 拉丁語 myrtus的小後綴 from Greek murtos 源自 希臘語 murtos
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