locked in
【經】 被鎖住字典網
- The two of them is locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company.他們倆為爭奪對公司的控制權打得不可開交。
- The two animals were locked in a fight.這兩頭野獸打得難分難解。
- He's locked in and nobody knows where the key is.他被鎖在房間裡,沒有人知道鑰匙在什麼地方。
- His sorrows were locked in his own bosom.他把滿腹悲傷埋在心裡。
動詞 lock in:
- close with or as if with a tight seal同義詞:lock in, seal in
- place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape同義詞:lock in, lock away, lock, put away, shut up, shut away, lock up