音標['liŋgәu] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 外國話, 隱語【經】 行話, 航業暗語
名詞 lingo:
- a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)同義詞:slang, cant, jargon, argot, patois, vernacular
- Spoke to me in the lingo of fundamentalism.用原教旨主義的行話與我交談
- Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
- If you live abroad it helps to know the local lingo.住在國外,學一點當地的語言自有好處。
n.(名詞)【複數】 lin.goes Language that is unintelligible or unfamiliar.奇怪而難懂的話The specialized vocabulary of a particular field or discipline:行話:某一領域或行業的專用辭彙:例句:spoke to me in the lingo of fundamentalism.See Synonyms at dialect 用基要主義的行話與我交談參見 dialect
來源:Probably from Portuguese lingoa 可能源自 葡萄牙語 lingoa from Latin lingua [language] * see dôghô- 源自 拉丁語 lingua [語言] *參見 dôghô-
<注釋>A look at the entry in the Indo-European roots entry fordôghô- will show that the wordstongue, language, and lingo are related, all going back to the Indo-European rootdôghô-, .tongue.. The relationship betweenlanguage and lingo is not particularly surprising given their related meanings and common root, but one might be curious as to the routes by which these two words came into English.Language, as did so many of our important borrowings from Latin, passed through French into English during the Middle Ages, the forms involved being Latinlingua, .language,. its descendant, Old French langue, and its derivative, langage. Lingo, on the other hand, entered English after the end of the Middle Ages when Europe had opened itself to the larger world. We have probably borrowedlingo from lingoa, a Portuguese descendant of Latin lingua. The Portuguese were great traders before the English were,and it is not unlikely that the sense .foreign language. was strengthened as the Portuguese traveled around the world.Interestingly enough,the first recorded instance oflingo in English is in the New World (''0) in a reference to the .Dutch lingo.. The development in sense to .unintelligible language. and .specialized language. is an obvious one.當我們看到印歐語系詞根條目dnghu- 時, 我們就可以看出tongue,language 和 lingo 之間的聯繫, 它們都擁有共同的印歐語系詞根dnghu- .舌頭.。 當我們知道language 和 lingo 擁有共同的詞根並且在意思上有關聯時,我們就不會驚異於他們之間的聯繫, 但我們可能會對這兩個詞是通過何種方式進入英文的感到很好奇。和許多重要的從拉丁語借來的詞一樣,language 是在中世紀時通過法文傳入英文的, 變換的形式為拉丁語的lingua .語言.、它的變體,古法文中的 langue 和它的派生詞 langage。 另一方面,Lingo是在歐洲向一個更廣闊的世界開放自己的時候即在中世紀結束後期進入英文的。 我們可能從拉丁文lingua 的葡萄牙語變體 lingoa 借入了 lingo 。 葡萄牙人是英國人之前的大商人,當他們在週遊世界的同時,很可能那種.外語.的意義得到了加強。很有趣的是,最先出現在英文中的lingo 新大陸(''0年)一書中用來指.荷蘭語.。 所以變成.難懂的話.和.行話.的意思的發展過程是很明顯的注釋>
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