音標['levl] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 水平, 水準, 平地
a. 同高的, 平坦的, 齊平的, 水平的
vt. 弄平, 夷平, 使同等, 瞄準, 對準
vi. 變平, 拉平
【計】 級別
【化】 水平; 水準儀; 級別; 液位; 料面; 海拔
【醫】 水平, 水準, 等級, 程度
【經】 水平, 水準, 平衡; 使...平等
find one's own level
level off
on a level with
on the level
level sth at sb
level sth against sb
one's level best
give sb a level look
level out
do one's level best
draw level with
名詞:levelness 副詞:levelly 動詞過去式:leveled,levelled 過去分詞:leveled,levelled 現在分詞:leveling,levelling 第三人稱單數:levels,levels英文解釋:
名詞 level:
- a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality同義詞:degree, grade
- a relative position or degree of value in a graded group同義詞:grade, tier
- a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process同義詞:degree, stage, point
- height above ground
- indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid同義詞:spirit level
- a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line同義詞:horizontal surface
- a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale同義詞:floor, storey, story
- an abstract place usually conceived as having depth同義詞:layer, stratum
動詞 level:
- aim at
- tear down so as to make flat with the ground同義詞:raze, rase, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down
- make level or straight同義詞:flush, even out, even
- direct into a position for use同義詞:charge, point
- talk frankly with; lay it on the line
- become level or even同義詞:level off
形容詞 level:
- having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another同義詞:flat, plane
- not showing abrupt variations- Louis Auchincloss同義詞:unwavering
- being on a precise horizontal plane
- oriented at right angles to the plumb
- of the score in a contest同義詞:tied, even
- The two pictures are not quite level that one is higher than the other.這兩幅畫掛得不一般高,這幅比那幅高。
- We must increase production levels.
- The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea level.這座山的山頂海拔三千米高。
- The bombing raid practically leveled the town.空襲幾乎把這座城鎮夷為平地。
- A football field should be level.足球場地應該平坦。
Relative position or rank on a scale:等級:在某一等級中的相對位置或地位:例句:the local level of government; studying at the graduate level.地方一級政府;研究生階段的學習
A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration:程度,水平:成就、強度或濃度的相對高低:例句:an unsafe level of toxicity; a high level of frustration.毒性的危險度;極其憤怒
A natural or proper position, place, or stage:適當的位置:自然的或適當的位置、地位或階段:例句:I finally found my own level in the business world.我終於在生意場上找到了自己的位置
Position along a vertical axis; height or depth:高度,深度:垂直軸線上的位置;高度或深度:例句:a platform at knee level.齊膝的平台
A horizontal line or plane at right angles to the plumb.水平線:與鉛錘線成直角的水平線或水平面The position or height of such a line or plane.水平高度:水平線或水平面的位置或高度A flat, horizontal surface.平坦的,水平的表面A land area of uniform elevation.平原,平地:高度一致的地面
An instrument for ascertaining whether a surface is horizontal, vertical, or at a 45= angle, consisting essentially of an encased, liquid-filled tube containing an air bubble that moves to a center window when the instrument is set on an even plane.Also called spirit level 水準儀:用來確定一個層面是水平的、垂直的或是呈45度角的儀器,主要由一個密封的、充滿液體的玻璃管構成,管內有一個氣泡,當儀器放在一個水平面上時,氣泡移至中間的觀測口也作 spirit levelSuch a device combined with a telescope and used in surveying.測地水準儀:裝有望遠鏡的這種裝置,用於測量A computation of the difference in elevation between two points by using such a device.測量水準:使用這種裝置來測量兩點間高度的不同Computer Science A bit, an element, a channel, or a row of information.【計算機科學】 層次,級,位數:位、元件、信道或一行信息adj.(形容詞)Having a flat, smooth surface.表面平坦的:有一個平坦的、光滑的表面的Being on a horizontal plane.在同一個水平面上的
Being at the same height or position as another; even.相齊的:與另一個物體在同一高度或位置的;水平的Being at the same degree of rank, standing, or advantage as another; equal.同等的:與其他人或物在地位、程度或條件上相同的;平等的Exhibiting no abrupt variations; steady:穩定的:不動搖的;穩定的:例句:spoke in a level tone.說話時聲調平穩
Rational and balanced; sensible:合理的,平衡的;理智的:例句:came to a level appraisal of the situation; keeps a level head in an emergency.合理地估計形勢;在緊急情況,保持冷靜的頭腦
Filled evenly to the top:滿滿的:與頂部平齊的:例句:a level tablespoon of cough medicine.滿滿一匙咳嗽藥
v.(動詞)lev.eled 或 lev.elled lev.el.ing 或 lev.el.ling lev.els 或 lev.els v.tr.(及物動詞)To make horizontal, flat, or even:使成為水平,使平坦,使平均:例句:leveled the driveway with a roller; leveled off the hedges with the clippers.用壓路機把路面軋平;用剪子修平籬笆
To tear down; raze.拆毀;夷平To knock down with or as if with a blow:擊倒:用或似用拳擊倒:例句:The challenger leveled the champion with a mighty uppercut.挑戰者用一記有力的上鉤拳把衛冕冠軍擊倒在地
To place on the same level; equalize.使相等,使平等:把…置於同一水平上;使平等To aim along a horizontal plane:沿水平面瞄準:例句:leveled the gun at the target.將槍水平瞄向靶子
To direct emphatically or forcefully toward someone:嚴厲指責:直接或強有力地針對某人:例句:leveled charges of dishonesty.指責某人不誠實
To measure the different elevations of (a tract of land) with a level.測量水平:用水準儀對(土地)做水準測量v.intr.(不及物動詞)To bring persons or things to an equal level; equalize.使平等:將人或事物置於平等的條件下;使平等To aim a weapon horizontally.瞄準:水平瞄準武器Informal To be frank and open:【非正式用語】 誠懇待人,率直待人:例句:advised the suspect to level with the authorities.勸服嫌疑犯對當局坦白
adv.(副詞)Along a flat or even line or plane.水平地:沿水平面或水平線地
<常用詞組>level off
To move toward stability or consistency:達到平衡或穩定:例句:Prices leveled off.價格趨於穩定
To maneuver an aircraft into a flight attitude that is parallel to the surface of the earth after gaining or losing altitude.進入平飛:飛機在爬升或俯衝後進入與地面平行的平飛狀態常用詞組><習慣用語>(one`s) level best
The best one can do in an earnest attempt:努力嘗試自己所能做的最好的:例句:I did my level best in math class.數學課上我儘量做得最好
on the level【非正式用語】
Without deception; honest.誠實的;坦白的習慣用語>來源:Middle English [an instrument to check that a surface is horizontal] 中古英文 [一種檢查某一平面是否水平的儀器] from Old French livel 源自 古法文 livel from Vulgar Latin *lobellum 源自 俗拉丁語 *lobellum from Latin lobella [diminutive of] lobra [balance] 源自 拉丁語 lobella [] lobra的小後綴 [平衡]
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>level,flat,even,plane,smooth,flush同義詞>These adjectives are applicable to surfaces without irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions.這些形容詞表示高度或深度形式較規則的平面。 Level implies being parallel with the line of the horizon: Level 含有與水平線平行的意思: 例句:acres of level farmland.好幾畝水平的農田。
Flat applies to surfaces without curves, protuberances, or indentations: Flat 指的是沒有弧度、隆起或凹陷的表面: 例句:a flat desk;很平的桌面;
例句:flat country;平坦的國家;
例句:a flat rock.平坦的岩石。
Even refers to flat surfacesin which no part is higher or lower than another: Even 指的是平坦的表面,沒有高高低低的地方: 例句:The water in the pool is as even as a mirror.池中的水面象鏡子一樣平滑。
Plane is principally a mathematical termand refers to a surface containing all the straight lines connecting any two points on it: Plane 主要是一個數學用語,指的是包含所有連線平面上任意兩點的直線的平面: 例句:a plane figure.平面圖形。
Smooth describes a surface on which the absence of even slight irregularities can be established by sight or touch: Smooth 指的是在一個表面上沒有任何可以看到或觸摸到的不規則的東西: 例句:smooth marble;光滑的大理石;
例句:a smooth skin.光滑的皮膚。
Flush applies to a surface that is on an exact level with an adjoining one,forming a continuous surface: Flush 指的是一個表面與另一豎直表面在同一水平或高度上,從而形成了一個連續的表面: 例句:a door that is flush with the wall. See also Synonyms at aim 與牆在同一平面上的門 參見同義詞 aim