n. 層, 產卵雞, 放置者
vt. 分層堆積, 壓植
【計】 層
【醫】 層
動詞過去式:layered 過去分詞:layered 現在分詞:layering 第三人稱單數:layers英文解釋:
名詞 layer:
- single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance同義詞:bed
- a relatively thin sheetlike expanse or region lying over or under another
- an abstract place usually conceived as having depth同義詞:level, stratum
- a hen that lays eggs
- thin structure composed of a single thickness of cells
動詞 layer:
- make or form a layer
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint.這一岩層中有大量燧石。
- There is a fine layer of dust on the desk.
- The pollution had destroyed ozone layer and caused many changes in weather.
- Her husband is a brick layer.她丈夫是個砌磚匠。
- There are several layers of meaning.有幾層不同的含意。
One that lays:放置者:從事鋪設工作的人:例句:a tile layer.鋪瓦工
A hen kept for laying eggs.下蛋雞:為生蛋而飼養的母雞
A single thickness of a material covering a surface or forming an overlying part or segment:層:覆在表面的物質或形成疊蓋的部分或部位:例句:a layer of dust on the windowsill; a cake with four layers.窗台上的一層灰塵;四層蛋糕
A usually horizontal deposit or expanse; a stratum:地層:通常是水平的沉積物或擴展物;層:例句:layers of sedimentary rock; a layer of warm air.多層的沉積岩;熱空氣層
A depth or level:深度或層次:例句:a poem with several layers of meaning.有多層含義的詩歌
Botany A stem that is covered with soil for rooting while still part of the living plant.【植物學】 壓條:將枝條埋在土中使其生根,而同時又是存活的母體植物的一部分v.(動詞)lay.ered,lay.er.ing,lay.ers v.tr.(及物動詞)To divide or form into layers:使分開並形成層次:例句:layered gravel and charcoal to make a filter.將砂礫和木炭分層以做成過濾器
To cut (hair) into different, usually overlapping lengths.將(頭髮)剪成不同層次,通常是疊蓋在一起的長度Botany To propagate (a plant) by means of a layer.【植物學】 用壓條法培育(植物)v.intr.(不及物動詞)To form or come apart as layers.形成或分成層次Botany To take root as a result of layering.【植物學】 通過壓條法而生根

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