- kerato-
- knobstick
- kleptoscope
- kwell
- kinship family
- kelosomus
- kalium carbonicum
- kemithal
- kick over the traces
- kerchieft
- Kabner's disease
- Kekule structures
- Klebsiella
- keratoscleritis
- knuckle pin
- keyboard
- kinetograph
- kynuric acid
- kilonem
- kernel-based system
- keep up with
- Krause's gland
- Korotkoff's method
- Koch's law
- kapsanthinosis
- Knoweles delayed coking process
- keep watch
- k-face coloring
- Kell agglutinin
- kali arsenicosum
- kinetic ataxia
- keracele
- Kopp's law
- kite-mark
- Kussmaul's symptom
- ketohydroxyestratriene
- kinetic current
- knocking combustion
- Khrushchev
- ket