音標[,int?'fi?] 讀音漢語翻譯
vi. 妨礙, 衝突, 干涉, 牴觸
【醫】 干擾, 干涉, 阻礙, 碰腿(馬)
interfere in
interfere with
副詞:interferingly 名詞:interferer 動詞過去式:interfered 過去分詞:interfered 現在分詞:interfering 第三人稱單數:interferes詞意辨析:
interfere, intervene, meddle這些動詞均含“干涉,干預”之意。
interfere: 側重指無權或未獲允許而妨礙、阻擾、干涉他人之事。
intervene: 書面用詞,指介入爭端,進行調停,也指干涉他人之事。
meddle: 指干預與自己毫不相關的事或不屬於自己職責範圍的事,隱含未經許可或授權。可與interfere換用。英文解釋:
動詞 interfere:
- come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle
- get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force同義詞:intervene, step in, interpose
- He tries not to let (his) business interfere with his home life.
- Don't interfere with my business.不要干涉我的事情。
- I'll go tomorrow if nothing interferes.如果沒有其他的事,我明天去。
v.intr.(不及物動詞)in.ter.fered,,in.ter.feres To come between so as to be a hindrance or an obstacle:妨礙:插入以阻礙或妨礙:例句:loud talking that interfered with the other patrons` conversations; assistance that only interfered.影響其他主顧交談的大聲談話;越幫越忙
Sports To perform an act of interference.【體育運動】 掩護,阻擋:進行阻擋的行為To intervene or intrude in the affairs of others; meddle.介入,干涉:插入或介入他人的事;干涉To strike one hoof against the opposite hoof or leg while moving. Used of a horse.絆腳,相碰撞:一隻蹄同相對的另一隻蹄或腿之間相互碰撞。用於指馬Physics Electronics To cause interference.【物理學】 【電子學】 產生干擾
來源:Middle English enterferen 中古英文 enterferen from Old French s`entreferer [to strike one another] 源自 古法文 s`entreferer [互相碰撞] entre- [between] from Latin inter- * see inter- entre- [在…之間] 源自 拉丁語 inter- *參見 inter-ferir [to strike] from Latin ferore ferir [碰] 源自 拉丁語 ferore
adv.(副詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>interfere,meddle,tamper同義詞>These verbs are compared as they mean to put oneself forward and intervene in the affairs of others when unasked to do so and often in an impudent or indiscreet manner.當這些動詞指某人未經要求就介入或插手別人的事,並且通常是以一種魯莽或不禮貌的方式時對他們加以比較。 Interfere andmeddle are sometimes interchangeable. Meddle, however, is the stronger in implying unwanted, unwarranted, or unnecessary intrusion: Interfere 和meddle 有時可互換。 但是meddle 在指不必要的、無正當理由的或非必需的介入時語氣較強: 例句:.wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling. (Edmund Burke).It is somewhat weaker thaninterfere in implying action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: .對他們如此喜歡干預的世界一無所知. (埃德豪·伯克)。在指嚴重的牽制、阻礙或阻撓的行為時比interfere 要弱:
例句:.It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave. (Henry David Thoreau).Totamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way: .他有一個奇特的宗旨,即為了解救奴隸,一個人有絕對權利以武力來干涉奴隸主. (亨利·戴維·梭羅)。tamper 是通過造成未經請求的、不受歡迎、經常為毀壞性的變化或試圖通過不恰當的方式影響他人來進行干涉:
例句:.a large number of persons accused of . . . tampering with ballot boxes. (James Bryce). .一大群被指控為…破壞投票箱的人. (吉姆斯·布賴斯)。
例句:.He began another practice, to tamper with the justices. (John Strype).他著手另一項活動,去干預公正。. (約翰·斯特賴普)
interfere: 側重指無權或未獲允許而妨礙、阻擾、干涉他人之事。
intervene: 書面用詞,指介入爭端,進行調停,也指干涉他人之事。
meddle: 指干預與自己毫不相關的事或不屬於自己職責範圍的事,隱含未經許可或授權。可與interfere換用。
動詞 interfere:
- come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle
- get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force同義詞:intervene, step in, interpose
- He tries not to let (his) business interfere with his home life.
- Don't interfere with my business.不要干涉我的事情。
- I'll go tomorrow if nothing interferes.如果沒有其他的事,我明天去。
v.intr.(不及物動詞)in.ter.fered,,in.ter.feres To come between so as to be a hindrance or an obstacle:妨礙:插入以阻礙或妨礙:例句:loud talking that interfered with the other patrons` conversations; assistance that only interfered.影響其他主顧交談的大聲談話;越幫越忙
Sports To perform an act of interference.【體育運動】 掩護,阻擋:進行阻擋的行為To intervene or intrude in the affairs of others; meddle.介入,干涉:插入或介入他人的事;干涉To strike one hoof against the opposite hoof or leg while moving. Used of a horse.絆腳,相碰撞:一隻蹄同相對的另一隻蹄或腿之間相互碰撞。用於指馬Physics Electronics To cause interference.【物理學】 【電子學】 產生干擾
來源:Middle English enterferen 中古英文 enterferen from Old French s`entreferer [to strike one another] 源自 古法文 s`entreferer [互相碰撞] entre- [between] from Latin inter- * see inter- entre- [在…之間] 源自 拉丁語 inter- *參見 inter-ferir [to strike] from Latin ferore ferir [碰] 源自 拉丁語 ferore
adv.(副詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>interfere,meddle,tamper同義詞>These verbs are compared as they mean to put oneself forward and intervene in the affairs of others when unasked to do so and often in an impudent or indiscreet manner.當這些動詞指某人未經要求就介入或插手別人的事,並且通常是以一種魯莽或不禮貌的方式時對他們加以比較。 Interfere andmeddle are sometimes interchangeable. Meddle, however, is the stronger in implying unwanted, unwarranted, or unnecessary intrusion: Interfere 和meddle 有時可互換。 但是meddle 在指不必要的、無正當理由的或非必需的介入時語氣較強: 例句:.wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling. (Edmund Burke).It is somewhat weaker thaninterfere in implying action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: .對他們如此喜歡干預的世界一無所知. (埃德豪·伯克)。在指嚴重的牽制、阻礙或阻撓的行為時比interfere 要弱:
例句:.It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave. (Henry David Thoreau).Totamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way: .他有一個奇特的宗旨,即為了解救奴隸,一個人有絕對權利以武力來干涉奴隸主. (亨利·戴維·梭羅)。tamper 是通過造成未經請求的、不受歡迎、經常為毀壞性的變化或試圖通過不恰當的方式影響他人來進行干涉:
例句:.a large number of persons accused of . . . tampering with ballot boxes. (James Bryce). .一大群被指控為…破壞投票箱的人. (吉姆斯·布賴斯)。
例句:.He began another practice, to tamper with the justices. (John Strype).他著手另一項活動,去干預公正。. (約翰·斯特賴普)
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