n. 智力, 情報, 信息
【醫】 智力
mind, intellect, intelligence, brains, wit, wisdom
這些名詞均有“智力、智慧”之意。mind: 使用廣泛,無褒貶之意,強調諸如認識、記憶、思考、決定等的智慧功能。
intellect: 側重不受感情或意志左右的冷靜思考或領悟能力。
intelligence: 指處理或對付問題或情況的特殊才智;也指運用、展開智慧的能力。
brains: 強調理解能力和獨立的或者首創性的思維能力。
wit: 指先天的才能、智力、意識等,隱含小聰明的意味。
wisdom: 較文雅,也可指明智的言行。
news, information, intelligence
這些名詞均可表示“新聞、訊息、情報”之意。news: 普通用詞,指主要通過報紙、廣播和電視等報導的事件,強調訊息的新聞性。
information: 普通用詞,泛指訊息、情報。
intelligence: 特指政治、經濟、文化或軍事等方面的秘密情報或訊息。
名詞 intelligence:
- the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
- a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy同義詞:intelligence service, intelligence agency
- secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy)同義詞:intelligence information
- new information about specific and timely events同義詞:news, tidings, word
- the operation of gathering information about an enemy同義詞:intelligence activity, intelligence operation
- She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned.論智力,她和她哥哥不相上下。
- She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.她的智慧比我們猜想的要高。
- We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.我們必須通過智力測驗才能被老闆雇用。
- He equals me in strength but not in intelligence.他在氣力方面和我相等,但在智力方面卻不如我。
- His intelligence is rather limited.他的智力相當有限。
- You should use your intelligence.你應該發揮你的聰明才智。
- His intelligence quotient is very high.他的智商很高。