音標[,ins?'b?:din?t] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 不順從的, 地位不低的
名詞:insubordination 副詞:in-subordinately英文解釋:
形容詞 insubordinate:
- not submissive to authority
- disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority同義詞:resistant, resistive
adj.(形容詞)Not submissive to authority:不服從權威的:例句:has a history of insubordinate behavior.有違抗行為的記載
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>insubordinate,rebellious,mutinous,factious,seditious同義詞>These adjectives mean in opposition to and usually in defiance of established authority.這些形容詞有反對並通常蔑視權威的意思。 Insubordinate implies failure or refusal to recognize or submit to the authority of a superior: Insubondinate 暗示沒有或拒絕承認或順從上級的權威: 例句:To be insubordinate is to invite dismissal from a corporation.不服從將會被公司解僱。
Rebellious implies open defiance of authority or resistance to control: Rebellious 暗指公開的蔑視權威或拒絕受控制: 例句:Rebellious students stubbornly demanded that the CIA be prevented from recruiting on campus.反抗的學生們堅決要求不準中央情報局在學校里招募人員。
Mutinous pertains to revolt against constituted authority,especially that of a naval or military command: Mutinous 指反抗合法當局,特別是指海軍和陸軍的命令: 例句:.The men became mutinous and insubordinate. (Walter Besant)..人們變得反叛和不服從命令. (瓦特·貝贊特)。
Factious implies the promotion or existence of divisiveness, dissension, or disunity within a group or an organization: Factious 暗指一個團體或組織內部分裂、不和或不團結的存在或加劇: 例句:.The army has been embroiled in a standoff battle against a [hornets`] nest of factious groups, including opium warlords. (Time).部隊捲入了一場對抗 隊伍的僵持戰,包括鴉片軍閥 (《時代》)。
Seditious applies principally to the treasonous stirring up of resistance or rebellion against a government: Seditious 主要用於以反叛方式挑起對政府的抵制或反叛: 例句:Thomas Paine`s pamphletCommon Sense must have seemed seditious to colonial Tories. 對於殖民主義的托利黨人來說托馬斯·潘恩的小冊子《常識》 一定顯得具有煽動性
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