字典網>> 英漢字典>> I開頭詞條>>industrial center的意思

industrial center



【經】 工業中心


  1. A town of southeast Ontario west-southwest of Toronto. It is an industrial center. Population, 28,067.
    密爾頓安大略省東南一城鎮,位於多倫多西南偏西。為一工業中心。人口28, 067
  2. The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population, 599,217.
    多倫多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位於該省南部安大略湖邊。原本為法國人的商品集散地,1793年英國人建立該城,名為約克,1834年重新被命名為多倫多。多倫多是一個重要的五大湖區的港口和工業中心。人口599, 217
  3. A municipal borough of central England north of Nottingham. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining region. Population, 99,900.
    曼斯菲爾德英國中部的一個市級行政區,位於諾丁漢以北,是採煤地區的工業中心。人口99, 900
  4. A borough of north-central England northeast of Manchester. Incorporated in1626, it is a major commercial, transportation, communications, and industrial center. Population, 718,100.
    利茲英國英格蘭中北部城市,在曼徹斯特的東北部。1626年被合併,它是一個主要商業、運輸、通訊及工業中心。人口718, 100
