國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> H開頭詞條>>hydraulic pump的意思hydraulic pump 讀音 漢語翻譯【化】 水力泵; 液壓泵; 油壓泵英文解釋:名詞 hydraulic pump:a water pump that uses the kinetic energy of flowing water to force a small fraction of that water to a reservoir at a higher level同義詞:hydraulic ram猜你喜歡:have the edge on sb.的漢語翻譯 harlot的漢語翻譯 Hall's solution的漢語翻譯 haruspex的漢語翻譯 homicide的漢語翻譯 hardening的漢語翻譯 high-low lines的漢語翻譯 Helmboltz's theory的漢語翻譯 hobby computer的漢語翻譯 horse and foot的漢語翻譯 horse-marines的漢語翻譯 hydrocephalous的漢語翻譯 horse radish oil的漢語翻譯 hexafluorosilicic acid的漢語翻譯 halide complex的漢語翻譯