音標[h?:'self] 讀音漢語翻譯
pron. 她自己, 她親自
all by herself
- She kept on muttering to herself.她老是一個人嘀嘀咕咕。
- After her swim she dried herself with a towel.游泳後,她用毛巾擦乾身子。
- She only has herself to thank for what happened.出了事只能怪她自己。
- She cannot have written the letter herself.這封信不可能是她自己寫的。
- She stinted herself of food in order to let the children have enough.她自己省著吃,好讓孩子們吃飽。
- She should do her homework herself.她應該自己做作業。
pron.(代詞)That one identical with her:她自己Used reflexively as the direct or indirect object of a verb or as the object of a preposition:她自己:用作動詞的直接或間接或者介詞的反身賓語:例句:She bought herself a new car. She sculpted a likeness of herself.她為自己買了一輛新車。她雕刻了一座她自己的雕像
Used for emphasis:她本人:用於強調:例句:She herself was certain of the facts.她本人很確定這些事實
Used in an absolute construction:她自己:用於獨立結構:例句:In office herself, she helped him get a job.她本人在職時幫他找了份工作
Her normal or healthy condition or state:她的正常情況:她正常的或健康的情況或狀態:例句:She`s feeling herself again.她正恢復健康或她情緒正恢復正常
來源:Middle English hire self 中古英文 hire self from Old English hire selfre [dative of] hôo self 源自 古英文 hire selfre [] hôo self的與格 hôo [she] * see she hôo [她] *參見 sheself [self] * see self self [本身] *參見 self