n. 柄, 把手, 把柄, 柄狀物, 手感
vt. 觸摸, 運用, 買賣, 處理, 操作
vi. 搬運, 易於操縱
n. 句柄
【計】 句柄
【醫】 柄
【經】 買賣, 經營, 處理
fly off the handle
動詞過去式:handled 過去分詞:handled 現在分詞:handling 第三人稱單數:handles 形容詞:han-dleless詞意辨析:
deal with, cope with, dispose of, manage, handle這些動詞或短語都含有“處理”,“對付”之意。
deal with: 既可指處理具體事情,也可指處理或解決具有抽象意義的問題。
cope with: 指成功地處理或對付更為重大,更為嚴重的問題或事物。
dispose of: 與deal with同義,普通用法。
manage: 指處理日常事務與工作,也可指經營管理。
handle: 從原義“手柄”,轉引申為作“處理”解時,其內涵是管理和操縱。英文解釋:
名詞 handle:
- the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it同義詞:grip, handgrip, hold
動詞 handle:
- be in charge of, act on, or dispose of同義詞:manage, deal, care
- interact in a certain way同義詞:treat, do by
- deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression同義詞:cover, treat, plow, deal, address
- touch, lift, or hold with the hands同義詞:palm
- handle effectively同義詞:wield
- show and train
- The speaker was roughly handled by the mob.
- I was impressed by her handling of the affair.我覺得她對此事的處理很了不起。
- An officer must know how to handle his men.當軍官的應懂得怎樣統率士兵
- Gelignite is dangerous stuff to handle.
- We don't handle that sort of book.我們不經銷那一類書。
- He's not a very good teacher---he doesn't know how to handle children.他不是一個好的老師---他不懂得如何對待孩子。
- Customers are asked not to handle the goods in the shop.請顧客不要觸摸商店裡的貨物。
- Pick up the typewriter case by the handle.抓住把手,把打字機箱子拿起來。
v.(動詞)han.dled,han.dling,han.dles v.tr.(及物動詞)To touch, lift, or hold with the hands.用雙手觸摸、舉起或握住To operate with the hands; manipulate.用手操作;操縱To deal with or have responsibility for; conduct:處理或負責;管理:例句:handles matters of corporate law.處理公司法的事物
To cope with or dispose of:對付或處理:例句:handles problems efficiently.有效地處理問題
To direct, execute, or dispose of:指示,實行,處理:例句:handle an investment.進行一項投資
To manage, administer to, or represent:管理,支配,代表:例句:handle a boxer.給拳擊手作經紀人
To deal or trade in the purchase or sale of:經營買賣、經銷:例句:a branch office that handles grain exports.經營穀物出口的一家分公司
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To act or function in a given way while in operation:操作,操控:操作時以指定的方式行動:例句:a car that handles well in the snow; a boat that handles poorly in rough water.在雪地里易於駕駛的車子;在急流中難以操控的船
n.(名詞)A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand.把手:設計用來由手握住或操縱的部位An opportunity or a means for achieving a purpose.可乘之機:實現目的的機會或方式Slang A person`s name.【俚語】 名稱,頭銜:一個人的名字Games The total amount of money bet on an event or over a set period of time.【遊戲】 賭注:在一次或一段固定的時間內的用來打賭的錢的總數
<習慣用語>get a handle on 或
have a handle on 【非正式用語】
To achieve an understanding of:理解,明白:例句:I was finally able to get a handle on the true nature of the problem.最終我能夠理解這個問題的實質
習慣用語>來源:Middle English handelen 中古英文 handelen from Old English handlian 源自 古英文 handlian
adj.(形容詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>handle,manipulate,wield,ply同義詞>These verbs mean to use or operate with or as if with the hands.這些動詞的意思是用或好象用手操作。 Handle applies widely and suggests competence: Handle 這個詞套用廣泛而且暗示了能力: 例句:He handles an ax like a born woodsman.他使起斧子就象是一個天生在森林中居住的人。
例句:She handled the employee`s problem with sensitivity and direction.她憑直覺處理僱工問題。
Manipulate connotes skillful or artful management,as of a tool or an instrument: Manipulate 顯示出技巧性和處理問題的藝術性,例如一件工具或儀器: 例句:The radio operator manipulated the dials and changed the frequency. Whenmanipulate refers to people or personal affairs, it often implies deviousness or the use of improper influence or fraud in gaining an end: 無線員操作調度錶盤,轉換頻率。 當manipulate 指人或私人事物時, 它經常暗示用不光明正大或藉助不正確的影響或欺詐行為以獲得結果:
例句:I put forth his suggestion as my own without realizing I had been manipulated.我把他的意見作為我自己的提了出來,絲毫沒有意識到我被利用了。
Wield implies freedom, skill, and ease in handling physical or figurative tools and implements: Wield 暗示在操縱一些實際的或象徵性的工具或儀器時的揮灑自如、技巧和隨意: 例句:wield a hatchet;揮動一柄戰斧;
例句:wields a persuasive pen. It also connotes effectiveness in the exercise of intangibles such as authority or influence: 運用具說服力的筆桿子。 它還意味著其中有諸如權威和影響等不可捉摸的東西的效力:
例句:wielded enormous power.行使極大的權力。
Ply suggests industry and persistence, as in the use of tools ( Ply 暗示在諸如使用工具時的勤奮和堅持不懈( 例句:plying a knife and fork with gusto); the term also applies to the regular and diligent engagement in a task or pursuit ( 以極大的熱情起勁地揮舞著刀和叉); 這個詞還意味著經常性地、勤奮地從事某項任務或活動(
例句:plies the baker`s trade). See also Synonyms at touch ,treat 勤奮經營烤麵包業) 參見同義詞 touch,treat
deal with: 既可指處理具體事情,也可指處理或解決具有抽象意義的問題。
cope with: 指成功地處理或對付更為重大,更為嚴重的問題或事物。
dispose of: 與deal with同義,普通用法。
manage: 指處理日常事務與工作,也可指經營管理。
handle: 從原義“手柄”,轉引申為作“處理”解時,其內涵是管理和操縱。
名詞 handle:
- the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it同義詞:grip, handgrip, hold
動詞 handle:
- be in charge of, act on, or dispose of同義詞:manage, deal, care
- interact in a certain way同義詞:treat, do by
- deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression同義詞:cover, treat, plow, deal, address
- touch, lift, or hold with the hands同義詞:palm
- handle effectively同義詞:wield
- show and train
- The speaker was roughly handled by the mob.
- I was impressed by her handling of the affair.我覺得她對此事的處理很了不起。
- An officer must know how to handle his men.當軍官的應懂得怎樣統率士兵
- Gelignite is dangerous stuff to handle.
- We don't handle that sort of book.我們不經銷那一類書。
- He's not a very good teacher---he doesn't know how to handle children.他不是一個好的老師---他不懂得如何對待孩子。
- Customers are asked not to handle the goods in the shop.請顧客不要觸摸商店裡的貨物。
- Pick up the typewriter case by the handle.抓住把手,把打字機箱子拿起來。
v.(動詞)han.dled,han.dling,han.dles v.tr.(及物動詞)To touch, lift, or hold with the hands.用雙手觸摸、舉起或握住To operate with the hands; manipulate.用手操作;操縱To deal with or have responsibility for; conduct:處理或負責;管理:例句:handles matters of corporate law.處理公司法的事物
To cope with or dispose of:對付或處理:例句:handles problems efficiently.有效地處理問題
To direct, execute, or dispose of:指示,實行,處理:例句:handle an investment.進行一項投資
To manage, administer to, or represent:管理,支配,代表:例句:handle a boxer.給拳擊手作經紀人
To deal or trade in the purchase or sale of:經營買賣、經銷:例句:a branch office that handles grain exports.經營穀物出口的一家分公司
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To act or function in a given way while in operation:操作,操控:操作時以指定的方式行動:例句:a car that handles well in the snow; a boat that handles poorly in rough water.在雪地里易於駕駛的車子;在急流中難以操控的船
n.(名詞)A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand.把手:設計用來由手握住或操縱的部位An opportunity or a means for achieving a purpose.可乘之機:實現目的的機會或方式Slang A person`s name.【俚語】 名稱,頭銜:一個人的名字Games The total amount of money bet on an event or over a set period of time.【遊戲】 賭注:在一次或一段固定的時間內的用來打賭的錢的總數
<習慣用語>get a handle on 或
have a handle on 【非正式用語】
To achieve an understanding of:理解,明白:例句:I was finally able to get a handle on the true nature of the problem.最終我能夠理解這個問題的實質
習慣用語>來源:Middle English handelen 中古英文 handelen from Old English handlian 源自 古英文 handlian
adj.(形容詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>handle,manipulate,wield,ply同義詞>These verbs mean to use or operate with or as if with the hands.這些動詞的意思是用或好象用手操作。 Handle applies widely and suggests competence: Handle 這個詞套用廣泛而且暗示了能力: 例句:He handles an ax like a born woodsman.他使起斧子就象是一個天生在森林中居住的人。
例句:She handled the employee`s problem with sensitivity and direction.她憑直覺處理僱工問題。
Manipulate connotes skillful or artful management,as of a tool or an instrument: Manipulate 顯示出技巧性和處理問題的藝術性,例如一件工具或儀器: 例句:The radio operator manipulated the dials and changed the frequency. Whenmanipulate refers to people or personal affairs, it often implies deviousness or the use of improper influence or fraud in gaining an end: 無線員操作調度錶盤,轉換頻率。 當manipulate 指人或私人事物時, 它經常暗示用不光明正大或藉助不正確的影響或欺詐行為以獲得結果:
例句:I put forth his suggestion as my own without realizing I had been manipulated.我把他的意見作為我自己的提了出來,絲毫沒有意識到我被利用了。
Wield implies freedom, skill, and ease in handling physical or figurative tools and implements: Wield 暗示在操縱一些實際的或象徵性的工具或儀器時的揮灑自如、技巧和隨意: 例句:wield a hatchet;揮動一柄戰斧;
例句:wields a persuasive pen. It also connotes effectiveness in the exercise of intangibles such as authority or influence: 運用具說服力的筆桿子。 它還意味著其中有諸如權威和影響等不可捉摸的東西的效力:
例句:wielded enormous power.行使極大的權力。
Ply suggests industry and persistence, as in the use of tools ( Ply 暗示在諸如使用工具時的勤奮和堅持不懈( 例句:plying a knife and fork with gusto); the term also applies to the regular and diligent engagement in a task or pursuit ( 以極大的熱情起勁地揮舞著刀和叉); 這個詞還意味著經常性地、勤奮地從事某項任務或活動(
例句:plies the baker`s trade). See also Synonyms at touch ,treat 勤奮經營烤麵包業) 參見同義詞 touch,treat

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