國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典首頁>> 英漢字典>> G開頭詞條>>glory in的意思glory in 讀音 漢語翻譯狂喜, 得意例句:A sports team that gloried in its hard-won victory.為來之不易的勝利而自豪的運動隊伍The regiment covered itself with glory in the invasion battle.該團在反侵略的戰鬥中赫赫有名。He gloried in his victory.他因得到勝利而洋洋得意。He gloried in his new freedom.他為新的自由而歡欣。猜你喜歡:goalie的漢語翻譯 gluconeogensis的漢語翻譯 glucophenetidin的漢語翻譯 gap width的漢語翻譯 G. A. S.的漢語翻譯 general accounting unit的漢語翻譯 graph search的漢語翻譯 get it in the neck的漢語翻譯 gold plugger的漢語翻譯 ghost pulse的漢語翻譯 go off at full score的漢語翻譯 guide bar的漢語翻譯 gentleman in black的漢語翻譯 group selection unit的漢語翻譯 gangosa的漢語翻譯