音標['d??:m?ni] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 德國
名詞 germany:
- a republic in central Europe; split into East German and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990同義詞:Federal Republic of Germany, Deutschland, FRG
- We need somebody to market our products (to retailers, in Germany, etc).我們需要有人為我們(向零售商、 在德國等)推銷產品。
- In tonight's programme our focus is on Germany.在今天晚上的節目中我們重點介紹德國。
- The hot dog did not originate in the United States, but in Germany.熱狗不是起源於美國,而是德國。
- Britain declared war on Germany in 1914.英國在1914年向德國宣戰。
- He chose Germany, but personally I'd prefer to go to Spain.他選擇了德國,而我個人倒更喜歡西班牙。
- A region and former duchy of central Germany north and east of the Main and Rhine rivers. The region became a duchy in1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in1866. Members of the original dynasty subsequently ruled Luxembourg and the Netherlands(as the house of Orange).
- France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine.法國沿萊茵河部分河段與德國接壤。
- Germany is a European country.德國是一個歐洲國家。
NONE(無詞性)A country of north-central Europe bordered on the north by the Baltic and North seas. Occupied since c. 500b.c. by Germanic tribes, it was part of the kingdom of the Franks by the time of Charlemagne and later became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire after the coronation of Otto I in 9'2. Religious strife and dynastic feuds weakened the imperial state, which was broken up by Napoleon in 80'. After 85 Germany became a confederation, then an empire centered around Prussia (87-98). The Weimar Republic, proclaimed after Germany`s defeat in World War I, collapsed under the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler`s megalomaniac dream of a Third Reich led to World War II and to yet another defeat by Allied forces. From 949 to 990 the territory was divided between West Germany and East Germany. Berlin is the capital and largest city and Bonn the seat of government. Population, 77,750,743. 德國:歐洲中北部國家,北面瀕臨波羅的海和北海。從公元前 500年被日耳曼部落占領,到查理大帝時期一直是法蘭克王國的一部分,後來成為公國中一個鬆散的聯邦,在9'2年奧托一世加冕後成為聖羅馬帝國的核心。宗教鬥爭和王朝紛爭削弱了帝國並於80'年被拿破崙結束。85年以後德國成為聯盟國家,而後是以普魯士為中心的帝國(87-98年)。魏瑪共和國成立於第一次世界大戰德國戰敗後,在阿道夫·希特勒和納粹興起中瓦解了。希特勒狂妄的第三帝國夢導致了第二次世界大戰的爆發及該國被盟軍的再次擊敗。從949至990年該地區被分為 西德 和 東德。 柏林是首都及最大城市,波恩是政府所在地。人口77,750,743