n. 燃料, 木炭
vt. 加燃料, 供燃料
vi. 得到燃料
【化】 燃料
【醫】 燃料
【經】 能源; 助長
名詞:fueler 動詞過去式:fueled,fuelled 過去分詞:fueled,fuelled 現在分詞:fueling,fuelling 第三人稱單數:fuels,fuels英文解釋:
名詞 fuel:
- a substance that can be consumed to produce energy
動詞 fuel:
- provide with a combustible substance that provides energy
- provide with fuel同義詞:fire
- take in fuel, as of a ship
- stimulate
- A defect in the fuel lines prevented the missile from blasting off.
- One of the main disadvantages of this system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel.該系統的主要弱點之一是消耗大量燃料。
- The newspaper article provided him with fuel for his speech.
- Coal is used as fuel.煤用作燃料。
- All aircraft must fuel before flight.所有飛機飛行前都必須加油。
n.(名詞)Something consumed to produce energy, especially:燃料:某物被消耗以產生能量,尤指:A material such as wood, coal, gas, or oil burned to produce heat or power. * :木頭、煤、天然氣、石油等燃燒生熱並且產生能量的物質Fissionable material used in a nuclear reactor.可裂變物質:用在核反應堆中的可分裂性材料Nutritive material metabolized by a living organism; food.食物:被生命組識消耗的營養物;食物Something that maintains or stimulates an activity or emotion:刺激因素:保持或增進活力與情緒的東西:例句:.Money is the fuel of a volunteer organization.(Natalie de Combray).錢是促成自發聯合的東西。.(納塔莉·德·科姆布雷)
n.attributive.(定語名詞)Often used to modify another noun:常用以修飾另一名詞:例句:a fuel pump; fuel tanks.燃料泵;使用燃料的坦克
v.(動詞)fu.eled 也作 fu.elled fu.el.ing fu.el.ling fu.els fu.els v.tr.(及物動詞)To provide with fuel.加燃料To support or stimulate the activity or existence of:激起:支持或刺激活力與存在:例句:rhetoric that fueled the dissenters.刺激反對者的反問
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To take in fuel.接受燃料
來源:Middle English feuel 中古英文 feuel from Old French fouaille, feuaile 源自 古法文 fouaille, feuaile from Vulgar Latin *foc3lia [neuter pl. of] .foc3lis [of the hearth or fireplace] 源自 俗拉丁語 *foc3lia [] ·foc3lis的中性複數 [爐子的或壁爐的] from Latin focus [hearth, fireplace] 源自 拉丁語 focus [爐子,壁爐]

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