音標['fleksәbl] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 易曲的, 靈活的, 柔順的, 能變形的, 可通融的【醫】 能屈的
副詞:flexibly 名詞:flexibility英文解釋:
形容詞 flexible:
- capable of being changed
- able to flex; able to bend easily同義詞:flexile
- able to adjust readily to different conditions同義詞:elastic, pliable, pliant
- bending and snapping back readily without breaking同義詞:whippy
- making or willing to make concessions同義詞:compromising, conciliatory
- Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible.柔韌的,有彈性的伸長或擴展後容易恢復原狀的; 柔韌的
- We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.我們需要一個更為靈活的外交政策。
- This tube is flexible but tough.
Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable.柔軟的:可彎曲或扭曲的;柔韌的Capable of being bent repeatedly without injury or damage.彈性的:能夠反覆彎曲而不損傷或損壞的Susceptible to influence or persuasion; tractable.溫順的:易受影響或易於勸說的;溫順的Responsive to change; adaptable:可變通的;易適應的:例句:a flexible schedule.可變通的日程表
來源:From Latin flexibilis 源自 拉丁語 flexibilis from flexus [past participle of] flectere [to bend] 源自 flexus [] flectere的過去分詞 [彎曲]
flex.ibil.ity 或
adv.(副詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>flexible,elastic,resilient,springy,supple同義詞>These adjectives refer literally to what is capable of withstanding stress without injuryand figuratively to what can undergo change or modification.Something that isflexible can be bent, twisted, or turned ( 這些形容詞的字面意思是指能經得住壓力而不被損壞的,比喻義是指能經受住變化或改變的。Flexible 形容可以彎曲、擰或扭的東西( 例句:flexible wire); the word can also refer to adaptability to change or the need for change ( 軟金屬絲); 這個詞也可指對變化的適應性或需求(
例句:a flexible administrator;靈活的行政人員;
例句:flexible plans). What iselastic returns to an original shape, form, or position, as after being stretched ( 靈活的計畫)。 Elastic 形容被拉伸後可以恢復到原形狀、形態或位置的東西(
例句:an elastic band), can adapt or be adapted to differing circumstances ( 橡皮圈), 能適應或被適應於不同情況的(
例句:an elastic clause in a contract), is quick to recover, as from illness or misfortune ( 契約中一條可酌情考慮的條款)、 能從疾病或不幸中迅速恢復的(
例句:an elastic spirit), or is stretched beyond strict or proper bounds ( 開朗樂觀的人) 或者是被拉伸得超過了適當的界限或限制的(
例句:an elastic interpretation of a law). 對一條法律的曲解)。
Resilient, likeelastic, implies a springing back to an original shape, especially after compression ( Resilient 與elastic 一樣,也含有反彈回原形的意思, 尤指壓縮後( 例句:thin, resilient copper); it also suggests a buoyant capacity to revive, as from depression ( 細而有韌性的銅絲); 它還表示從消沉恢復到心情愉快的能力(
例句:a resilient temperament). 開朗的性情)。
Springy describes what is marked by resilience and elasticity: Springy 用來描述具有韌性和彈性特徵的事物: 例句:springy curls;鬆軟的捲毛;
例句:a springy stride.輕快的步伐。
Supple applies to what is easily bent or twisted ( Supple 適用於容易彎曲或易擰的東西( 例句:a supple birch rod;一根柔軟的樺條;
例句:supple suede), bends or twists with agility ( 軟山羊皮)、 能夠靈活地彎或擰的東西(
例句:a supple body;柔軟的身體;
例句:supple limbs), or is marked by easy adaptability ( 柔軟的四肢), 或是具有易適應性特徵的東西(
例句:a supple mind). 靈活的頭腦)
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