prep. 在...對面, 靠著..., 靠近...詞型變化:
prep.Upper Southern U.S. (介詞)【美國南部偏北】 Opposite, near to, or against:在…對面、附近或旁邊:例句:Their barn is ferninst the house.他們的穀倉在房子對面
來源:Dialectal fornent, fornenst 方言 fornent, fornenst fore foreanent, anenst from Middle English * see anent anent, anenst 源自 中古英文 *參見 anent
<注釋>Ferninst, meaning .opposite, next to, against,. has been attributed to Irish English, brought over during the peak years of Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-9th century. However, other, earlier citations with various spellings date further back: .I walked with them to a room nearly fornent the old state-house. (Davy Crockett). These variant forms are traceable to the American colonial period, when the source of ferninst was probably Scotland or other parts of the British Isles. The term is now dying out; Craig M. Carver, in his book American Regional Dialects, reports that .only nine [ DARE ] informants, all well over sixty-five years of age, used this term.. A derived noun ferninster, meaning .someone who is deliberately contrary,. is also used: .The trouble with the Republican leaders in Congress . . . is that they are just ferninsters. (William Allen White). Ferninst 的意思是.在…對面、附近或旁邊,.該詞曾被認為屬於愛爾蘭英文,是9世紀中期愛爾蘭人遷移到美國的高峰期帶來的。然而,其它或更早的不同拼寫的引證可追溯到更遠: .我和他們走到幾乎正對著那箇舊客艙的一個屋子裡. (戴維克·羅克特)。這些不同的形式可追溯到美國殖民時期, ferninst 的起源可能是蘇格蘭或英國小島的其他部分。這個詞條現在消失了;克瑞格·M·卡文,在他的書 美國地區方言 中記述了.僅九個[ 美國方言 資料提供者,年紀都已過了六十五歲,用這個詞條.。派生的名詞 ferninster, 意思是.故意相反的人,.也用於: 共和黨領導在議會中的麻煩…是因為他們只是些自相矛盾的人 (威廉·艾倫·懷特) 注釋>
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