國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> F開頭詞條>>federal reserve notes的意思federal reserve notes 讀音 漢語翻譯【經】 聯邦儲備券英文解釋:名詞 federal reserve note:a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)同義詞:bill, note, government note, bank bill, banker's bill, bank note, banknote, Federal Reserve note, greenback猜你喜歡:ferropectic的漢語翻譯 face flange的漢語翻譯 filtering bag的漢語翻譯 fault symptom code的漢語翻譯 French blue的漢語翻譯 folliculin的漢語翻譯 formhydrazide的漢語翻譯 free perimeter的漢語翻譯 fragility of blood的漢語翻譯 fussy的漢語翻譯 foredate的漢語翻譯 female thread的漢語翻譯 FSA的漢語翻譯 feel chagrined at的漢語翻譯 floating valve tray的漢語翻譯