音標['feiθfuli] 讀音漢語翻譯
ad. 忠實地, 誠心誠意地, 深信著地
副詞 faithfully:
- in a faithful manner同義詞:dependably, reliably
- `Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?' `Yes, I promise.'`你能切實保證把錢退還給我嗎?'`是的,我保證.'
- She has served the family faithfully for thirty years.她為這個家忠心耿耿地操勞了30年。
- The old nurse have serve the family faithfully for thirty years.老保姆為這個家庭忠實地服務了三十年。
- They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他們發誓要忠實履行自己的職責。
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