音標['epiθet] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 渾名, 綽號, 稱號
名詞 epithet:
- a defamatory or abusive word or phrase同義詞:name
- descriptive word or phrase
- He cursed me, using a lot of rude epithets like "bloody".
- A descriptive term; an epithet.描述詞一個描述性的詞語; 綽號
A term used to characterize a person or thing, such asrosy-fingered in rosy-fingered dawn or the Great in Catherine the Great. 表述詞語:用來表示某人某物特性的一個表達,如玫瑰色狀的黎明 中的 玫瑰色指狀的 或 偉大的凱薩琳 中的 偉大的 等 A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such asThe Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. 加於人名的稱號,綽號:用來代替一個人姓名或頭銜的稱謂,如偉大的解放者 用來稱呼亞伯拉罕·林肯 An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase.渾名:帶侮辱性的單詞或短語Biology A word in the scientific name of an animal or a plant following the name of the genus and denoting a species, variety, or other division of the genus, assativa in Lactuca sativa. 【生物學】 種名部分:接在屬名之後的動物或植物的科學名稱,指一個種、變種或屬下面的其它類別,如家萵苣 在 萵苣屬、家萵苣種 中
來源:Latin epitheton 拉丁語 epitheton from Greek [neuter of] epithetos [added, attributed] 源自 希臘語 [] epithetos的中性 [附加的,增加的] from epitithenai [to add to] 源自 epitithenai [加在] epi- [epi-] epi- [前綴,表.在…之前.] tithenai [to place] * see dhô- tithenai [放] *參見 dhô-
ep.ithet.ic 或
adj.(形容詞)Strictly speaking,an epithet need not be derogatory,but the term is commonly used as a simple synonym for .term of abuse. or .slur,.as in the sentenceThere is no place for racial epithets in a police officer`s vocabulary. This usage is accepted by 80 percent of the Usage Panel.嚴格來講,綽號不應是貶義的,但此詞一般用作.罵人的稱呼.或.污辱.的同義詞,如在下句中在一名警官的辭彙中不應有粗俗的話。 這種用法被用法使用小組百分之八十的人接受
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