音標[.elikæm'pein] 讀音漢語翻譯
【醫】 土木香
名詞 elecampane:
- tall coarse Eurasian herb having daisylike yellow flowers with narrow petals whose rhizomatous roots are used medicinally同義詞:Inula helenium
n.(名詞)A tall, coarse plant(Inula helenium) native to central Asia, having rayed yellow flower heads. The roots are used medicinally. 土木香:大型粗糙的植物(土木香 旋覆花屬) ,原產於中亞,花黃色,頭狀花序呈輻射狀向四周延伸,根入藥
來源:Middle English elecampana 中古英文 elecampana Old English elene from Medieval Latin enula from Latin inula from Greek helenion * see wel- 2古英文 elene 源自 中世紀拉丁語 enula 源自 拉丁語 inula 源自 希臘語 helenion *參見 wel- 2Medieval Latin camp3na [of the field] from Latin camp3nea [feminine of] camp3neus from campus [field] 中世紀拉丁語 camp3na [田野的] 源自 拉丁語 camp3nea [] camp3neus的陰性詞 源自 campus [田野]
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